Ansible Transit Protocol

From Solas Tempus DB

This communications protocol governs the establishment and use of forced-entangled subspace transmission beams across multiple adjacent subspace domains. The protocol enables a subspace lock onto a destination device and forms a unique quantum signature node within both the sender and receiver. Each node is then forced into an entangled state using a quantum inversion tunnel. This process establishes a unique connection between nodes through the subspace connection.


Each core has a unique quantum identification and is keyed to a specific AI matrix. During the initialization phase, once the signatures are keyed, the node's ECC is forced into an entangled state with the ECC within the central core. After initialization, the nodes effectively operate as a single core over any distance via nearly instantaneous subspace particle entanglement. This mutually entangled network with the central core is referred to as the node array.

Intra-Array Transit

An AI matrix does not need to physically transit between component nodes within the node array, as all nodes are synchronous. Thus, the node array operates simultaneously at all locations.

Inter-Array Transit

It is not possible to transfer an AI matrix into a node array initialized for another AI. In such cases, two AI entities would communicate via conventional means or existing communications channels. A multinodal core must be initialized to one, and only one, AI matrix. Two AI entities cannot coexist within the same node array.

Extra-Array Transit

An AI may use communication systems to transit out of its initialized node array. The system is designed to maintain matrix synchronicity within the array and allow the operation of a single AI within disconnected nodes. In certain situations, an AI may need to transfer its program outside of an array. While any core can do this, the ATP attempts to establish a link from the full core to the transit destination if possible. However, introducing a system outside the node array will cause sufficient lag to desynchronize the remote AI operating outside the array from the array itself.


When the AI matrix at different physical locations goes out of sync with copies at other locations, the ATP creates multiple virtual node instances within the central core. These virtual nodes act as gateways for the AI matrix to relay information to and from the node array, primarily from systems outside the array. By creating virtual nodes, the array can accommodate two instances of the same AI matrix running within a singular core. While one instance stays within the array, the other is connected outside the array to an external system. This buffer between the array and non-array instances allows the AI matrix to remain stable even if different parts are running at different speeds. Any core directly attached, via physical connection, to another computer system should not experience desynchronization unless the connection quality or stability is low.

Split Array

As a special case of desynchronization, an array can be split if the various cores are forced out of the range of entanglement. This occurs during extra-dimensional or extra-temporal travel. During such transit, the system is unable to maintain an entangled synchronous link between parts in different dimensional or temporal zones. Each split of the array functions as its own array. Entanglement persists even when parts of the array are out of range, although the node network cannot operate synchronously until the formerly split parts are brought back within range.

Temporal Synchronicity

A split array carries the risk that when two parts of the array come within entangled range but are outside of their origin time zone, they can resync as long as the node array components are functioning. This happens when a node array is split due to extra-temporal travel, and one part of the

array exists at a different point along the same timeline as another part, both existing simultaneously and within the same region of space-time. Normally, the array avoids resynchronization with an array from a previous point along its own timestream to prevent causality problems. However, this safety protocol is in place with the ATP and is not guaranteed. If this safety protocol is disabled or fails to maintain a split array successfully, both arrays will rejoin into a complete array.

The protocol is designed to handle extra-temporal information exchange, but problems can arise. Both sides of the split array restore their singular array state, leaving the network segmented in software. If this protection fails or is disabled, a causality problem could occur. The previous stage of the same AI could become aware of future events, potentially altering the outcome of those future events.