
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 05:53, 3 June 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Played by: @JumpingScript#4310
Alias: V!rus
Height: TBD
Weight: TBD
Gender: Male
Race: Altered Human
Age: 25
Place of Birth: Cirus
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: TBD
Figure: Skinny, thin, but muscular.
Universe of Origin: Original
Organization: Former: Leader of a Resistance Faction
Recent: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Former:Hacker/Biowarfare Specialist
Recent: NCO

Virus does not have the intention to be taken serious. He wants to be feared. The man is rather unpredictable, because of sudden mood changes and excessive use of his own potions. Putting it short, Virus is completely fucking insane, mad and totally not someone you want to mess with.

Special Skills

  • MMA fighting at professional level (1st master grade in several combat sports)
  • Handling of every existing weapon, handguns preferred.
  • Use of a toxic gauntlet.

Special Abilities

  • Logical thinking and discovering vulnerabilities in both humans and systems-.
  • He has built up an immunity against all kinds of poiso-ns.

L4 Use of Energy

The thing called “The Energy” is basically a ‘present’ left back by the defeated aliens of his timeline. Vis himself is one of the 4 strongest existing users of this energy, making him abl-e to:


Selfexplanatory, tho. Just in case: With teleport, I mean disappearing in one place and appear in another. They can only appear in places they have already been to. Limits: During combat, or while being in the territory of a rival faction, a leader is only able to teleport 3 times, -at furthest 10 meter/32 feet.

Enhanched survival ability:

They can ignore serious wounds, because of the energy suppressing blood flow and pain. It will only work during a fight, because this special ability is linked to the adrenaline.

  • Curses-Type Energy:

He can create hundreds or thousands of different gases, poisons and microorganisms (die after 5 minutes) by using the Energy. into He can exactly foresee the duration of the incubation period, which symptoms it will have and how long it will live, and so on, when he creates a new one. Energy brought to appearance by him appears as Black digits on green background.


Physical contact is needed to use those.

  • Creating a wide range of digital malware by channeling the Energy.
  • Fully digitalizing himself: he vanishes from sight in the real world and fully flows around in cyberspace. He can take influence on the real world from cyberspace, but only, through sockets. Like manipulating the venting system by accessing the control. His energy can’t reach the physical world while digitalized.


  • 2 P22 with silencers
  • Self-Crafted toxic gauntlet