Midnight Riders

From Solas Tempus DB

The Midnight Riders are a loose association of like-minded individuals working freelance throughout known (and at times uncharted) space. The group works either independently or in small cells of individuals working toward a common goal. As a generalized group, they have a core belief that one can never have too much knowledge, with knowledge comes strength, and with that strength comes the responsibility to fight corruption within and without. While the group is not widely publicized it is also not a secret though do to it's decentralized nature the group is incredibly resilient to outside influence.

Key Tenants

The following are not laws for the group, they are more guidelines. Each member is expected to uphold the principles of the laws rather than their letter. The general idea being that one should follow these as principles which can become flexible and outline an ideal which is aspirational.

  • Judge not the weakness of others for none of us are so mighty nor is anyone without their own weakness.
  • Defend the weak, the poor, and the hopeless for through such actions hope and kindness shall prevail.
  • Hold honesty in the highest regard and do not breech the trust of others in your word.
  • Pursue knowledge, for through knowledge comes strength and share your knowledge openly with all.
  • Be the champion of what is right and good, always shed the light of knowledge on the darkness caused by ignorance, injustice, and the lies of evil.
  • Never be cruel nor cowardly in your affairs nor turn your back on a fight when needed.
  • Through vanity, anger, nor hate, does one fight and thus do not fight for yourself but fight for others who cannot fight for themselves.
  • Never turn away, never turn your back, and never refuse to face the truth.


The group strongly identifies with the traditions of old Earth English knights from the 12th and 13th centuries along with the ideals of the renaissance man of Italy of the 14th to 17th centuries on Earth or the greek ideal from ancient Greece. These ideals form into a strong belief in being educated and educated not just in mind but in spirit and body. As such, the symbol of the chess piece Knight is strongly associated with the group along with symbols of books particularly journals with a red place marker in them. This iconography is related to the use of a red ribbon attached to the binding of many journals used to keep place of where a person last wrote.

Other images the group commonly associates with are the Knight playing card of some decks or the Knight of many Tarot decks is also used, particularly the Knight of Swords.


Members of the group have some commonalities in their affairs. They are usually free spirits who do not particularly like to adhere to the will of others. Though many will and do in some kind of professional life it isn't unusual for someone in such a place to quickly rise to to the top of the pecking order and preserve some amount of autonomy. Members also tend to believe that leadership is a matter of letting subordinates do their job as they see fit, this again goes with the philosophy of being and allowing for free spirits.

In the pursuit of knowledge most keep journals of some kind, predominantly they are kept as paper journals, most also prefer to keep actual books on hand (hardback collectors or old editions) and keep extensive personal libraries and seek out knowledge with a hungry passion. As a group, though of course there are exceptions, they have an appreciation for martial arts and hand to hand combat as an art form rather than simply for self defense, learning not just moves but reasons and theories behind it.

Finally, above all else, the group as a whole believes in truth.


Credit for information goes to SaynteSinner on Discord.