Kanto Sanquin

From Solas Tempus DB
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Kanto Sanquin
Played by: @Neekopi #7174
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100.91 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Lyros/Jai
Age: 14
Place of Birth: Bakor (A large town from his world)
Eye Color: Light Purple (Glowing)
Hair Color: blonde
Figure: short and has a small frame
Universe of Origin: Nighcros
Organization: Debatable
Occupation: Too young

Childish,Cunning,Intuitive,Indecisive,Lazy, and A bit reckless

Special Abilities

  • Heart Of Illusion- Kanto has the ability to change what people around him perceive, and can show them something different. He can use this on not just himself but also the environment, meaning he can change the appearance of the area around the opponent. This also can make someone think that they can “feel” the illusion that Kanto is making them see, and if their willpower is not strong enough, these feelings that Kanto can create will actually affect and leave scars on the person's body
  • Magic Control- Kanto has small magical capabilities that allow him to put energy out from his body parts, such as his palms, feet, fingers, ect. He can activate 4 abilities at once, but if he wants to use all 5 of them, he will have to use his Magica burst
  • Palm Drive- Kanto focuses his magic into his palm, making his flat palm attacks do x10 as much damage and knockback. for 30 seconds. This has a 60 second cooldown.
  • Driven Fist- Kanto focuses his magic into his knuckles, making his fists do x6 more damage and his fists resist pain x4 more for 30 seconds. This has a 60 second cooldown.
  • Deadly Elbow- Kanto focuses his magic into his Elbows, making attacks using his elbow x10 more strong and forceful for 30 seconds. The cooldown is 60 seconds.
  • Staggering Kick- Kanto focuses his magic into his feet, increasing his damage, jump, and speed x20 more for 30 seconds. This has a 60 second cooldown.
  • Shattering Knee- Kanto focuses his magic into his knees, dealing x10

more damage and force for 30 seconds. This has a 60 second cooldown Heightened Senses- Kanto’s reflexes and senses are increased x6 more for 30 seconds. This has a 120 second cooldown.

  • Magica Burst- Kanto controls all of his magic into each of his body parts, increasing their power x40 more than originally for 60 seconds. The cooldown is 10 minutes and the first 3 minutes after use, Kanto’s original power is divided by 3


  • “Size doesn’t matter!” This is the saying that Kanto goes by when fighting. Despite him being quite small, he packs quite a punch when fighting!
  • Enhanced Strength- Despite being small, Kanto has x50 the strength of an average bodybuilder, and x30 the speed and reflexes of an average human runner or fighter.
  • Enhanced Intelligence
  • Quick Adaption- Kanto can easily adapt to situations when needed, and is a good survivalist.


Kanto is a trickster, and has almost been. This was boosted at the age of 6, when he found a book about the art of gambling, and tricking people. He read it constantly, and loved it. Taros would say that this had made him an even larger troublemaker, but Kanto says that it just made him a bit smarter. Living in a household with a dad that constantly went out on missions had made him somewhat independent, but this was also canceled by the fact that Taros often spoiled and babied him. It’s also what made him childish, while also remaining cunning and quick thinking. One person who was there for Kanto whenever Taros went out on missions was Javier, since he usually wasn’t as active on the field as Taros, although he still sometimes went off for missions. When both of them suddenly disappeared for two years, Kanto was frightened, it left him extremely distressed. Since both Taros and Javier were seen as heros from where they were, it caused a huge commotion, and there was a large search for them. Eventually, when looking for them, he stumbled upon a strange opening...It couldn’t have been a Moorik’s portal, judging by the aura it was giving off. Curious, Kanto went through...