Five Elements

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 02:34, 21 February 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)

There are 5 basic elements that make up all things in the universe. Though once it was thought that they were the basic elements that made up matter, it has since been learned that they make up magic instead of matter. Though since all matter has a magical energy / psionic energy about it, it could be said that all things contain all 5 elements in various quantities. While the elements are all opposing forces (except Aether), they are all different aspects of the unifying forces of energy and thus life itself.


This element is the natural opposing force to earth and thus fire magic can counter earth magic. Fire is the spark of creativity and life, its heat and light stave away the darkness and thus there is a strong sense of protection that goes with it. Fire is also a destructive force and dangerous, it can give life but also destroy it. It's power is wild and difficult to wield, it must be mastered or it will master its wielder. Fire is the embodiment of war, and destruction.


This element is the natural opposing force to water and thus wind magic can counter water magic. Wind is all around everyone, it is ever present in all things and thus it is elusive and difficult to find. Once found, however, it can be more easily controlled and used than fire. While fire requires brute strength, wind requires calm and passivity. One must follow where the wind leads in order to lead the wind where they wish it. It embodies peace, energy, and magic. Wind can carry words away before they can be heard or they can carry words far enough to be heard.


This element is the natural opposing force to fire and thus water magic can counter fire magic. Water is the most fundamental force of life itself, life cannot exist without it for more than a few days. Water is strong and powerful, but patient. It will wear down stone and earth over time creating chasms beyond belief, wash away those who do not respect it and take their lives as penance, all while it waters crops and nourishes the body. Water is never elusive nor will it respond to strength, you cannot grab water, as fingers will pass through it. Instead, to control water one must surrender to its power entirely, feel the rushing of its force around and then from within, only can it be controlled. Water is the embodiment of life and creation.


This element is the natural opposing force to wind and thus earth magic can counter wind magic. Earth is the foundation of all things, it supports and protects everything. Without the blessings of the earth crops would not grow and people would have no homes to live in. Earth is slow to move and change, it requires strength and cunning to master, moves must be planned ahead and decided on, for once earth is unleashed it is neigh impossible to stop. It is the embodiment of protection and purification.


Also known as Spirit, this element is a projection of all living things and it is the force the binds life together. Since aether is a unifying force, all 4 other elements must be combined in order to counter aether magic. This magic is also the most difficult to understand, control, and use. Since it is the basis for the energy of life it behaves, rather than simply exists. Aether has a fundamental willpower to it, almost as if the universe had an id and an ego, these forces would be inlaid into that of aether. The forces of aether are at once both separate from the other 4 elements but also the same. It is both a unique entity and a properties of the other 4 combined. To master aether, one must be able to master all five of the other elements, only then can they attempt to directly feel the flows of spirit and life which surround and bind all living things together. It is the embodiment of the whole, the person, the animal, the plant, and the reason for it all to exist.