
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 03:54, 30 January 2018 by T0l (talk | contribs)
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 32kg
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Germany of 5th-6th Century
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair Color: Silver Platinum
Occupation: Saber (Class)
Lawful Good

A known legend and a hero of Germany, featured in the Germanic Epic Nibelungenlied. The swordsman that has slain the Evil Dragon Fafnir. One would expect Siegfried himself to be a warrior that was knightly and chivalrous, tall and muscular, a hero that would be clad in his brilliant armour, the white cape fluttering behind his back while the the great sword sheathed and strapped beneath the cape.

That was the common interpretation of Siegfried. However, history is nothing but a fragmented truth of the past, and as time marches on, the truth itself would get more and more distorted. What was supposed to be a toned, muscular knight was instead a small, young girl that resembled a prepubescent child, clad in a stunning armor that did not seemingly fit her young appearance.


She was adorned in a knightly garb. The oversized silver pauldrons protruded and wrapped around her delicate shoulders. Her raven black uniform with red linings stretched all the way from her lissom body to her slender legs, the platinum straps wrapped around her chest, with her pert breasts constrained in its sheening, protective cage. A black belt buckled around her small hips, the silver buckle gleaming radiantly in front. Her knee-guards and her steeled greaves were all in matching, brilliant argent and silvers. Yet her garment, while looking like a knightly getup, was more exposing and revealing than what she should have worn at her age.

Her black uniform was unbuttoned, exposing the middle of her midriff and her sternal region, her creamy white and unblemished, tenderly soft skin revealed for the world to see, together with a glimpse of her underdeveloped childlike bosoms. Her blackened uniform was also sleeveless, her arms totally naked and her hands adorned with a pair of gleaming, steely gauntlets that seemed unfit for the tiny proportions of her seemingly frail hands. Her exposed collars however, embedded a shining beacon of bright emerald, a brilliant symbol that was imprinted within her body, given to her after she had bathed in the blood of the Evil Dragon, Fafnir.

Despite, or rather because of the knightly adornments she had, Siegfried did not look intimidating or fearsome even in the slightest bit - with an appearance of a child that did not even reach the beginning of teenagehood, she felt more like a fragile, delicate doll that had been forced to wear something unwieldy and overwhelming for her little size. If you take off her armor, she would look like a innocent, prepubescent girl, her body appearing frail and fragile, like a doll that was supposed to be protected. Her stature was short, her form was small and petite, and her figure gave no impressions of a fighter. The oversized, black-and-white sheath that seemed to be even taller than her miniscule frame was chained to her back along with her prized sword, Balmung. The ragged, dark lavender fabric that was pinned to the sheath would simply flutter in the passing winds.

Of course, with such a fragile-looking body, her face was even more innocent and childlike, nothing of resemblance of a legendary warrior’s appearance that spoke of battles and hardships. She have beautiful, argent hair that cascaded down like a silkened, flowy river, her platinum locks draped over her small shoulders. Her silver fringes were long as they cascaded down on her delicate, soft cheeks. Her radiant, emerald eyes peeked out from the shadows of her fringes, always with a passive, or meek expression. With a face that seemed so gentle and delicate, it did not feel that she possessed the abilities of a fighter, let alone a legendary hero.

Her back was covered with the silken flow of her silver hair, but in truth, her back was exposed like her front as well. This was because in the legends, Siegfried was placed with the curse to always have her back exposed no matter what. Even if there was an armor or shield to cover her back, there would always a distortion of reality to make sure that her back would be exposed, be it a creation of a hole or a reality-bending alteration of the protective cover, with her inherent weakness of her armor shown in full daylight. With that said, any fabric that covered her back would always be altered to make sure that her back would be exposed, thus she would always be bare-back.

A strange, white marking that resembled a chalk scribble was imprinted upon her slender, creamy white back, drawn in the shape of a linden leaf. This was the symbol of Siegfried’s one and only weakness, the portion of her flesh and bone untouched by the blood of Fafnir.



Noble Phantasms

  • Armor of Fafnir
  • Sacred Protection of the Dragon’s Blood
  • Balmung
  • Phantasmal Greatsword, Felling of the Sky Demon