Zek'Quol Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
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The Zek'Quol star system is composed of 4 gas giants orbiting a white dwarf star in the later stages of its cooling process. The star itself exhibits enough gravitational pull to have almost become a neutron star. It is composed of super-heated oxygen, neon, and magnesium. Around the star is an extensive nebula left over from when it was a red giant.

The star and its nebula are not visible from Earth since the early cretaceous period being roughly 257 light-years distant. It has an approximate mass of 1.2 solar masses. A highly radioactive nature of the stellar remnants and the unusually high magnetic field of the outermost planet give pirates often use this system as a place to hide. Scanning inside the system is difficult and entry can be hazardous due to periodic radiation surges.

Advisory to Smell Vessels

Small ships are recommended to avoid this system and larger ships are encouraged to plot a wide course around it.


Zek'Quol Prime

Approximately the same size as Jupiter but is roughly twice its mass. Composed mostly of helium and hydrogen as it orbits it slowly draws stellar gases from the remnant cloud into itself, in theory it will one day ignite into a star after it has collected enough of the surrounding gas. It has no moons.

Rocky debris and large amounts of stellar dust made up of heavy elements and similarly heavy radioactive compounds separates Prime with its sibling planets.

Zek'Quol 2

About a third the mass of Jupiter but almost as large. It is largely composed of helium with traces of hydrogen, oxygen, and argon. The body is known for vicious inter-layer storms inside the atmosphere down right to the small helium core.

Zek'Quol 3

Similar to Neptune in that it contains high concentrations of ice and frozen gasses such as ammonia, methane, and water. While the atmosphere is largely stable in the outer layers, evidence suggests that around its hydrogen core there is a stormy and violent later of frozen methane with rapid currents and possibly trace amounts of rock traveling at high speed. It is within 20% of the mass of Jupiter.

Zek'Quol 4

The largest of the planets. It is five times the mass of Jupiter and around 1.5 times the physical size. It has a very strong metallic hydrogen core gives the planet an unusually strong magnetic field that rotates rapidly effected by tidal forces of its sibling planets and that of the star itself. It is known to periodically emit large bursts of radiation at the poles. This planet is the closest in mass to igniting into a star but due to its orbit will likely collide with Zek'Quol Prime once Prime becomes massive enough to have an impact on the orbit of its siblings.