The Banshou

From Solas Tempus DB
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Iota, Nu, Xi

The knife grabs onto its host and begins to drain their life force, while it does so it gives them the strong impulse to keep the blade near at all times. After days of being sick and slowly drained, the impulse to kill comes. When the host kills, the knife temporarily stops draining the energy of its host and instead absorbs the life of the one killed - but they must be killed with the blade in a gruesome way. The more personal and more bloody, the better it satisfies the blade and the longer the person can go without again becoming sick.

When the blade stops draining their energy, it doesn't make them better but just keeps them from getting worse. Without outside energy to feed from, the blade will kill its host within a matter of months.


The sickness brought on by the blade is magical in origin, and will persist despite conventional treatments. The persons life force must be replenished for them to regain health, either naturally from the blade being satisfied for long enough to recover, or through magical / supernatural means.


The Banshou was created by Lance Thomas when pulling the darker side of a mystical force called the Kira out of Drem Confoscho. The resulting sphere of dark energy could not be contained for long, Lance had to increase the power to keep it contained more and more each second until he could find something to do with it. He forced the energy to infuse itself into the blade of his survival knife.