Camila Zia

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 23:01, 24 November 2017 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Camila Zia
Camila Xia
Alias: Unit XIA-Prototype #2
Height: 14cm
Gender: Female
Race: Mark X Information Assistant Prototype
Date of Creation: January 9th, 2381
Place of Creation: Epsilon Prime
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red

Camila is friendly and enjoys what she does, she understands that she enjoys carrying out her function as an information assistant for her owner, Admiral Sal D'Amico, because she was programmed to but does not feel the need to question her programming. Since she was never intended to be a fully sentient AI, she was given the option to choose where to go and what to do, where she chose to stay in the service of Captain D'Amico. Later when D'Amico left the system to oversee temporal operations, she took up with Lee Armstrong Finnegan, assisting him in his capacity as Lead Intelligence Officer for the sector.

Special Skills

  • Research Methods (1B)
  • Information Analysis (1B)
  • Advanced Anti-Gravity Flight (1B)
  • Areal Dance (1C)
  • Music Composition (3C)

Special Abilities

  • Anti-Gravity Flight (1B)


Camila was never supposed to be more than a prototype unit with a basic algorithm-basde interactive voice command system installed. At some point in time, the system was asked to compile information from the main computer and some form of malfunction occurred within the built in system update routine. The error resulted in a complete crash of the basic AI system and thus a recovery routine attempted to restart the system and repair the corrupted system image. Several other problems with the system resulted in a download of a QUINN Type AI seed, the basic framework from which a full QUINN AI can be generated.


Sal set the android to stay powered and awaited the arrival of a technical support personnel to examine and determine the cause of the systems failure. It was not deemed to be a critical visit and thus was postponed for 2 months, not occurring until August of 2381. At that time, the support personnel attempted to boot the unit back up as it had been inactive so long and discovered that the QUINN AI framework had taken hold and generated a QUINN AI based on the parameters and architecture found in the memory system.

On August 7th, 2381 at 16:42 local time, the Mark X unit awakened and became self aware. Immediately downloading all information it could find on its operational history to fill in the blanks in its personality matrix. Doing so, it found that Sal had given it a nickname of Camila and generally referred to it as female. This made sense, studying its physical parameters, she found that her body was designed with human-feminine traits. Within a few seconds, the personality matrix competed and the unit fully awoke.