Toryn Brightsun

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Toryn of Syneria
Toryn Brightsun
Played by: @Insert Placeholder Name Here#7616
Alias: Toryn of Syneria
Height: 6’1
Weight: 185lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 28
Date of Birth: Born in 278, The Fifth Age
Place of Birth: Syneria
Eye Color: TBD
Hair Color: TBD
Figure: Muscular for a guy of his size
Universe of Origin: Original
Occupation: Eldritch Knight
Approved By: @JumpingScript#4310

As of the current time, he’s absolutely silent, and that banner on the front of his face may have something to do with it. His actions seem to be selfless however, as if seeking for a way to atone for something.

Special Skills

General Magic (1F), Lore (2B), Translation (2C), Swordsmanship (2A)

Special Abilities

Peak Human Condition (2A): Toryn’s body is at the peak of what a Human’s could be without being far above normal for a human. The years of training have hardened not only his mind, but his body to the point of near perfection. He can slightly exceed the weight capacity of a human. Magic (1F): He is completely devoid of magic within his body whatsoever. Any attempts to cast magic or magic onto him would simply dispelled, as if his body was a mana void. This can be seen as a blessing or a curse, depending on the situation. Lore and Translation (2B/C): After his indoctrination into the Order of the Shade, Toryn was extensively trained in translating foreign languages and the history of his world. While this may not apply to Soteria, he is able to translate Elvish, Orcish, and Gnomish if required. However, he will have difficulty due to his lack of magic. Voidflare Blade (3A): While he may no longer be able to use magic, his sword is still certainly enchanted. All Eldritch Knights in the Order have a special property in their blood which reacts with the metal their sword is composed of: Pranium Steel. Upon contact with the Knight’s blood, the sword lights up into a vibrant purple flame for the duration of the battle. This deals increased (x2 or 3 depending on the amount of blood added) damage to beings that are out of this world, and flaming damage to terrestrial monsters/beings. Enhanced Senses (2C): Those years of training weren’t exactly for naught, either. The intense and harsh conditioning which Toryn had gone through gave him better awareness in his surroundings and all 5 senses. Usually attuned to work in synchronization with his magic, the Eldritch Knight would still be able to operate without his Magic and still have senses superior to that of a normal human.


Toryn was born to the Lord and Lady Brightsun of Syneria. At the time, the land was under the assault of a plague, and all newborns were inflicted with the curse of Flameblood, a condition that caused the newborn’s blood to act as a flame. This was only curable by the magic of the Order of the Shade, a group of mages who held secrets not many would be able to comprehend. Their price for curing a child? The child itself. The two monarchs were desperate to have their son survive, and as a result, turned their son over. Granted, the process of curing the child of its curse was very, very small, but Toryn did it. He survived. From that point on, he would never see his parents again. The boy grew into a young man, as his training in the Order was initiated at the age of 13. Over the next 10 years, Toryn of Syneria was taught in the ways of the Eldritch Knights, showing much potential in his craft. His training would’ve reached an end once he was 23, and he was officially inducted into the Order. Questing throughout the lands, he searched for a cure to the damned plague that had taken the lives of so many, but was not successful. The Knight returned to the Monastery for the yearly gathering one time, when tragedy occurred. Upon arriving, he was met with the presence of… something, and he was determined to find out what it was. Amidst all of the people there, he traced the source of the strange feeling to the archives, and it was in a book. Opening the Tome, he was greeted with several words in Elvish. Unable to resist curiosity, he muttered the first 3 words. The next thing he knew, Toryn was bound in arcane chains, accused of trying to summon a demon right in the heart of the Order. There would be no trial. Only punishment. What was his punishment, perhaps? Banishment. As he slowly started to lose consciousness, he realized that beneath his cloak and armor, he could feel something being drawn onto his back. A tattoo. After that feeling? Nothing.