Gladiator Class Star Destroyer

From Solas Tempus DB
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The Gladiator Class Star Destroyer is the smallest of the star destroyer classes used by the Imperial Navy in the earlier days. It features a launch bay between the front prongs of the craft and two smaller bays on either side. It holds enough storage for 2 years of consumables without resupply.

500 meters
1,255 / 1,000 Additional Troops
Power Source
Hypermatter Core
Fusion Reactor
Hyperdrive (Class 1 / Class 8 Backup)
Ion Drive

Offensive Systems

  • 6 Heavy Turbolaser Turrets (3 Port / 3 Starboard)
  • 2 Point Laser Defense Turrets
  • 2 Torpedo / Missile Launchers

Defensive Systems

  • Deflector Shields
  • Armor Plated Hull

Auxiliary Craft

  • 24 Starfighters / Bombers
  • 6 Lambda Class Shuttles
  • 2 Low Altitude Assault Transports (LAAT's)