Brianna Ariadne

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 20:27, 4 August 2024 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (Added revised skills, abilities, and personality.)
Brianna Ariadne
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 95 lbs
Status: Unfinished
Setting: Angelic Sins

Brianna Ariadne is a survivor. Marked by the trauma of her past, she carries a quiet intensity and an underlying sadness in her eyes. Despite her distrust of humanity, she longs for connection and seeks solace in fleeting moments of beauty amidst the darkness. Brianna is fiercely independent, resourceful, and protective of those she cares for. She has a keen eye for detail and a sharp intuition, honed by years of navigating the harsh realities of life. Her love for music and dance remains a core part of her identity, a means of catharsis and a way to connect with her fractured past. Her performances are always touched by the pain and darkness she has experienced.

In her interactions with others, Brianna is cautious and reserved, carefully guarding her true nature. She maintains a distance from most people, preferring to observe from the shadows rather than engage in close relationships. Her distrust of authority figures and institutions is deeply ingrained, leading her to rely on her own instincts and skills to navigate the world. With those she deems trustworthy, Brianna can be fiercely loyal and protective, offering unwavering support and a shoulder to lean on. However, she is quick to withdraw if she senses betrayal or manipulation, her past experiences having taught her the harsh lessons of vulnerability and trust. In professional settings, Brianna is efficient and pragmatic, using her street smarts and cunning to achieve her goals. She is not afraid to bend the rules or utilize her unique abilities to gain an advantage, always keeping her own interests and survival at the forefront of her mind.

Special Abilities

Fae Sight
Brianna can perceive magical energies and sense the darkness lurking in the hearts of others.
Empathic Echo
Brianna experiences echoes of others' traumas and pain.
Glamour of Disguise
Brianna seamlessly blends into human society, masking her true nature.
Flickering Wings
Brianna's ethereal wings manifest in moments of extreme duress, offering a fleeting escape.
Superior Agility
Brianna possesses a natural grace and agility that surpasses human capabilities.
Song of Sorrow
Brianna's singing voice can evoke deep emotions in others, stirring feelings of melancholy and despair.
Dance of Shadows
Brianna's dancing can manipulate shadows, creating illusions and distractions.
Verdant Touch
Brianna possesses a latent ability to influence plant life, causing them to flourish or wither at her touch.
Whisper of the Wild
Brianna can communicate with animals on a primal level, sensing their emotions and intentions.
Luminescent Aura
Brianna emits a faint, ethereal glow that intensifies in moments of heightened emotion or magical exertion.

Special Skills

Urban Survival
Brianna is adept at navigating the dangers of city life, finding shelter, sourcing food, and avoiding unwanted attention.
Underworld Knowledge
Through her interactions in the city's underbelly, Brianna has acquired knowledge of criminal networks, black markets, and hidden corners of society.
Streetwise Intuition
Years of living on the fringes have honed Brianna's instincts. She can read people's intentions, assess threats, and make quick decisions under pressure.
Brianna has learned to defend herself using improvised weapons and her natural agility. She is not afraid to fight back if cornered or threatened.
Brianna possesses a basic knowledge of medicinal plants and their uses, a skill she picked up from the elderly couple who raised her and honed during her time on the streets.
Lockpicking and Thievery
To survive, Brianna has learned to pick locks and steal necessities. These skills have also proven useful in her dealings with the underworld.
Disguise and Deception
Brianna is adept at blending into different social circles, using her glamour and acting skills to deceive those around her when necessary.
Musical Prowess
Brianna's talent for music and dance has evolved into a powerful tool for manipulation and distraction. She can use her performances to influence emotions, gather information, or create diversions.
Shadow Play
Brianna has developed a unique style of dance that incorporates shadow manipulation, allowing her to create illusions, misdirect attention, and even conceal herself in darkness.
Fae Lore
Through her research in libraries and hidden archives, Brianna has acquired knowledge of Fae history, magic, and traditions, though her fragmented memories often make it difficult to decipher the full meaning.


Brianna Ariadne, a young woman of ethereal beauty and haunting grace, bears the weight of a troubled past and a fractured connection to her own kind. Haunted by fragmented memories of a life before, she moves through the human world as an outsider, her distrust of humanity tempered by a yearning for connection and a deep-seated desire to protect the innocent.

Brianna's earliest memories are a confusing jumble of blood-soaked shadows and piercing screams. Her parents, Fae like herself, were brutally murdered when she was just an infant, leaving her orphaned and alone. Fate intervened in the form of a kindly elderly couple who discovered her on their secluded farm, cradling her in their arms and offering her a sanctuary from the horrors she had witnessed.

For a few years, Brianna found solace on the farm, surrounded by the beauty and serenity of nature. The elderly couple nurtured her innate connection to the earth, fostering her love for music and dance as a means of emotional expression. However, their failing health eventually led to their passing, plunging Brianna back into a world of uncertainty and fear.

At the tender age of five, Brianna entered the foster care system, a harsh and unforgiving environment where her otherworldly abilities and ethereal beauty made her a target for ridicule and suspicion. She quickly learned to suppress her magic, adopting a facade of normalcy to blend in and avoid further disappointment. The system failed her time and again, leaving her to navigate a treacherous landscape of neglect and abuse.

As she grew older, Brianna's resilience and resourcefulness blossomed. She learned to rely on her own instincts, honing her survival skills on the streets. Her natural talent for music and dance provided a much-needed outlet for her emotions, a way to channel the pain and anger that simmered beneath the surface. Brianna's ethereal beauty and enigmatic aura eventually caught the attention of figures in the city's underworld, drawn to her potential as a performer and confidante. She cautiously embraced this opportunity, finding a degree of independence and protection against the system that had repeatedly failed her.