Rogue Harmony

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Rogue Harmony
Played by: User:Lilith Aria Hyde
Alias: Roe
Height: 5’5
Weight: 140
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 17 - 6 months (vampire)
Date of Birth: 10/7/2006
Date of Creation: 6/4/2023 (Turned)
Place of Birth: Nashville, TN
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Pink
Figure: Slender yet athletic figure, accentuated by the confident posture she maintains on and off the stage. Her movements are purposeful, reflecting the agility and strength that come with her vampire nature. Despite her punk rock exterior, there's an understated grace to her presence, hinting at the hidden layers beneath the rebellious facade.
Occupation: High School Student
Setting: Angelic Sins

Rogue thrives on rebellion, challenging societal norms with a punk rock attitude. She's unapologetically bold, using her music and appearance to defy expectations and break free from conformity.

Onstage, Rogue is a force to be reckoned with. Her performances are electric, filled with raw energy and a magnetic stage presence that captivates audiences. The punk scene is her playground, and she owns it.

Despite her tough exterior, Rogue harbors deep emotions and vulnerabilities. Her love for poetry serves as an emotional outlet, allowing her to express feelings that remain concealed behind the punk persona.

Rogue is fiercely loyal to her inner circle, forming deep connections with those she trusts. This loyalty extends beyond the mortal lifespan, as Rogue grapples with the complexities of forming meaningful relationships that transcend time.

In the quiet moments, away from the chaos of the stage, Rogue transforms into an introspective poet. Her verses explore themes of love, loss, and the existential challenges of immortal existence, revealing a depth of emotion not apparent in her punk rock persona.

Rogue has a strong protective instinct, especially towards those she cares about. This instinct becomes a driving force as she navigates the dangers of both the mortal and supernatural worlds.

Rogue possesses a sharp wit and a quick tongue, using humor and sarcasm as both a defense mechanism and a way to navigate the complexities of her dual life.

Special Abilities

  • Telepathic Embrace
    Can establish a telepathic connection with those she shares a deep bond with. This connection allows for a profound understanding of emotions and thoughts.
  • Compelling Presence
    Aura and her presence enhance her performances and can also be used to influence those around her, though she is careful not to abuse this power.
  • Melodic Manipulation
    Can weave her emotions into the notes of her music, creating a subtle influence on the feelings of those who listen. This ability allows her to establish a deeper connection with her audience and subtly sway emotions during her performances.
  • Temporal Resonance
    Has a limited ability to sense and manipulate the flow of time in small increments. This power grants her a unique perspective on events and aids her in making strategic decisions.
  • Ink Manifestation
    Drawing inspiration from her poetry, can bring her written words to life. When she writes with a specially enchanted pen, the ink transforms into ethereal shapes or protective symbols with magical properties.
  • Shadow Serenade
    Harnessing the shadows around her, can create illusions or solid forms to serve as guardians or messengers. These shadow entities respond to her emotions, becoming extensions of her artistic expression.

Special Skills

  • Performance Artistry
  • Cryptography Expertise
  • Masterful Instrumentalism
  • Artistic Forging
  • Cultural Adaptation
  • Poetic Insight

Special Equipment

  • Enchanted Guitar
  • Ethereal Quill and Notebook
  • Time-Tuned Pocket Watch
    A pocket watch enchanted to resonate with Rogue's temporal manipulation ability. It aids her in sensing temporal fluctuations and enhances her limited control over time in strategic moments.
  • Sculptor's Chisel
    An enchanted chisel that allows Rogue to shape and manipulate shadows into three-dimensional forms..


Rogue Harmony, was born in the midst of poetic verses and rebellious chords not too long ago. Embracing the romantic allure of the arts, she found solace in words and melodies, yearning to express the depths of her teenage existence.

Her transformation into a vampire brought with it an unexpected harmony. As a newly turned creature of the night, she delved into the punk rock rebellion of the mortal realm, adopting a devil-may-care attitude that masked the turmoil within. The stage became her sanctuary, a place to channel the chaotic energy that both fueled and defined her undead existence.

Yet, behind the punk facade, a hidden passion for poetry persisted. In the quiet moments between performances, she would retreat to secret chambers adorned with the classics, where she'd craft verses that echoed the melancholy of eternity. Fear of rejection lingered, preventing her from fully unveiling this vulnerable side.

Rogue Harmony became a fixture in a short period of time since she was turned, in both mortal and supernatural circles. Her reputation as a punk reputation spread. Simultaneously, she desires to form connections with mortals but all she wants to do is eat them.

The discovery of her telepathic ability allowed her to forge even stronger bonds, navigating the complexities of immortal relationships.