
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 19:45, 16 November 2023 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (Created page with " == Physical Characteristics == == Life Cycle == == Personality and Traits == == Culture and Society == === Romance, Courtship, and Love === === Marriage and Family === == Gender Roles == == Special Abilities == == Economics == == Politics == == Spiritual Beliefs == The spiritual beliefs of the Phytohosapien people are deeply entwined with the natural world and the cosmos, forming a unique tapestry of reverence and understanding. Central to their faith is the...")
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Physical Characteristics

Life Cycle

Personality and Traits

Culture and Society

Romance, Courtship, and Love

Marriage and Family

Gender Roles

Special Abilities



Spiritual Beliefs

The spiritual beliefs of the Phytohosapien people are deeply entwined with the natural world and the cosmos, forming a unique tapestry of reverence and understanding. Central to their faith is the sun, seen as a divine source of life and healing. They view their existence as a gift from this celestial body, which not only sparked their genesis but continues to nourish and sustain them. Equally important is the belief in the cycle of life and renewal, a concept that mirrors the natural rhythms of the world around them. For the Phytohosapien, life is a perpetual cycle of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth, each stage holding profound significance and beauty.

Celestial gratitude plays a pivotal role in shaping the Phytohosapien worldview. They regard their origin – the descent of seeds from the cosmos – as a sacred event, binding them to the stars. This cosmic connection manifests in a unique perspective on death and life. Death is not feared but embraced as a natural and vital part of existence, each end giving way to new beginnings. They cherish new life, seeing it as a continuation of the cosmic cycle, precious and worthy of reverence. Their rituals and observances of celestial events are expressions of this gratitude, serving as reminders of their place in the grand tapestry of the universe.

The teachings of the Great Bloom further enrich their spiritual narrative. This mythos is not only a story of their origin but also a source of wisdom, emphasizing patience and the right conditions for growth. The Phytohosapien believe that just as the seeds waited for the first dawn, they too must sometimes wait for the right moment in life, understanding that growth and success are often the results of patience and enduring through adversity. The cycle of life is revered, symbolized by the transformation of the first vines into nourishing soil, which then allowed the Great Bloom to flourish. This process of transformation and renewal is a powerful metaphor for their own lives, teaching them to appreciate each stage of existence and its contribution to the whole.

The spiritual beliefs of the Phytohosapien encompass the reverence for the sun and its life-giving power, the acceptance and celebration of the cycle of life and death, and the wisdom of the Great Bloom. These beliefs instill in them a profound sense of responsibility towards future generations. They strive to leave a legacy that nurtures and supports new life, ensuring that the world they pass on is fertile and rich, ready for the next cycle of the Phytohosapien.


Holiday Name Occasion Activities
Vernal Equinox Marks the first hints of spring, symbolizing new beginnings and the awakening of life. Celebrated as the start of the new year. Planting ceremonies, floral decorations, and community gatherings.
Festival of the Sun Celebrated on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, representing the peak of solar power. Sun appreciation rituals, outdoor feasts, and cultural performances.
Harvest Commemoration Occurs during the autumn equinox, marking the end of the growing season and time for harvest. Harvesting crops, community feasts, and gratitude offerings.
Winter Solstice The shortest day of the year, symbolizing the sun's rebirth and the promise of returning light. Lighting candles or lanterns, intimate gatherings, and storytelling.
First Bloom Festival Celebrates the first blooms of the season, symbolizing life's resilience and beauty. Garden tours, floral art, and bloom competitions.
Greening Day Honors the greening of the landscape as plants grow leaves and cover the land in green. Tree planting, environmental education, and nature walks.
Dew Celebration Commemorates the onset of the dew season, essential for plant nourishment. Morning rituals, water conservation events, and dew-themed artistic sessions.
Twilight Celebration Dedicated to appreciating sunsets, symbolizing the cycle of day and night. Evening gatherings, sunset viewings, and reflective discussions.
Star Blossom Night Held on a night with a significant celestial event, celebrating their cosmic origins. Stargazing, night festivals with lanterns, and celestial storytelling.
Leaf Fall Day Observes the falling of leaves in autumn, representing the cycle of life and preparation for winter. Artistic leaf collection, communal activities, and winter preparation rituals.


Ritual Name Event Celebrated Description of the Ritual
Seed Planting Ceremony Vernal Equinox Individuals plant a seed symbolic of new beginnings and personal growth for the coming year.
Daylong Sun Dance Festival of the Sun Series of dances and movements performed from sunrise to sunset to honor the sun’s journey.
Gratitude Offering Harvest Commemoration Participants bring portions of their harvest to a communal area, sharing stories of gratitude.
Light of Hope Ceremony Winter Solstice Candles or lanterns are lit and floated on water or hung in trees, symbolizing the return of the sun.
Blossom Adornment First Bloom Festival Individuals wear crowns or garlands made from the first blooms in a parade or procession.
Tree Embrace Greening Day Community members collectively hug or lay hands on trees, symbolizing connection to life.
Morning Dew Walk Dew Celebration Participants walk barefoot in dew-covered grass at dawn, collecting dew as a symbol of renewal.
Reflective Silence Twilight Celebration Quiet contemplation observed during sunset to appreciate the setting sun’s significance.
Star Mapping Star Blossom Night Participants draw or create patterns on the ground mirroring the night sky, connecting to the cosmos.
Leaf Burial Leaf Fall Day Fallen leaves are gathered and buried as a symbol of letting go and preparing for the future.
Gifts of the Light Birth Newborn is introduced to sunlight, symbolizing their entry into the world and community.
Gifts to the Soil Death The deceased is buried with plant seeds, signifying their return to nature and the life cycle.
Union of Vines Marriage Union The couple intertwines pieces of vine, symbolizing their interconnected lives and growth together.
Sun and Soil Gratitude Giving Thanks Touching the ground and reaching towards the sun to express thanks for nourishment and energy.
Embrace of Light Sun Invocation Standing in the sun with arms outstretched, envisioning the sun's energy bringing strength and hope.

Creation Mythos

In the beginning, the world was a barren, lifeless sphere floating in the cosmos. It was a canvas waiting for the touch of creation. From the heavens above, a shower of luminescent seeds descended. These seeds, imbued with the essence of life, lay dormant in the silent embrace of the barren world. As the cycle of the cosmos turned, bringing forth the first dawn on this desolate planet, rays of the newborn sun kissed the seeds. Stirred by this celestial warmth, the seeds awakened. From them sprouted lush vines and verdant leaves, painting the world in vibrant hues of green. The once empty world quickly became covered in a woven blanket of flourishing plant life.

Among the myriad of plants, there was one that stood out. In the heart of the world, a magnificent and mystical blossom emerged, larger and more radiant than any other. This was the Great Bloom, a flower touched by the very essence of the sun. As the sun reached its zenith, the Great Bloom unfurled its petals, revealing the first Phytohosapien. Born from the heart of a flower and nurtured by the light of the sun, was the perfect fusion of plant and animal. With consciousness and a form resembling both the flora that covered the planet and the fauna of distant worlds.

From this first being, others soon followed. The Phytohosapiens, children of the sun, began to explore and thrive in their newfound world. They developed a deep connection with the nature that surrounded them, understanding the balance of life and their unique place within it. The Phytohosapiens revered the sun as their life-giver and the Great Bloom as their mother. Their culture, beliefs, and very existence were deeply entwined with the elements of their creation – the celestial seeds, the nurturing sun, and the sacred Great Bloom. This creation myth became the cornerstone of their identity, shaping their understanding of life, their purpose, and their connection to the universe.

Different races created for the Molten Aether universe.