Angelo McKallis

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Angelo McKallis
Angelo Michael McKallis
Played by: The Chubby Gamer
Height: 5'9
Weight: 137 lbs
Gender: Male (Female soul in his body)
Race: Vampire (turned from being human)
Age: 25 (Soul within his body is 157)
Date of Birth: March 17, 1992
Place of Birth: Los Angelas
Eye Color: Completely Red (with a glow)
Hair Color: Gray-ish purple
Figure: Average
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Occupation: None
Rank / Skill Level: Criminal
Status: Abandoned
Setting: Angelic Sins
Angelo's throwing knives
Angelo's family heirloom goblet

Angelo is a man who generally wishes to have a quiet and calm life/lifestyle. He is a man who flirts with women often and tries to relate to them as soon as he can. He’s a man who wishes to enjoy life as peacefully with as beautiful and nice of a woman as possible. However, not everything can be perfect in his life. There is a second soul, a second personality, trapped in his body, and it wishes to ruin his life. It’s that of a female vampire, with a similar personality to a typical succubus: charming, seductive, gentle with her words and looking like she’s always having her hormones taking her over. Though, it wasn’t always like this, as she was once in her own body. Though now, she is lying dormant as a spirit in the back of Angelo’s mind who won’t go away. She knows that if Angelo dies, she will be the next owner of the body. So she tries to slowly and patiently mess up Angelo’s life to go back to living independently. She does this best through her convincing of Angelo to go feed himself human blood, as vampires typically crave.

Special Skills

Supernatural Strength
Strength improved from when he became part vampire. Never measured by Angelo, but he can support his entire body’s weight by just his pinky, and the hardest hit he punched was when he heavily dented a 2-inch steel sheet once
Perfect balance
Due to being a part vampire, he is able to balance on anything without any struggle as long as there’s the strength to back up that said balance.
Minor Regeneration
Able to regenerate damage on his body, but it’s very limited. While internal organs and bones such as teeth and punctured, internal flesh heal within a couple of seconds, that can only happen when the body is fully healed on the outside, otherwise it would heal like a normal person’s body. Minor cuts and bruises on the skin heal just as easily as internal organas and bones at their fastest, but the farthest this can go is a gash the size of his wrist. Anything other than that the regeneration can’t heal, and it will heal like a normal human until the size of the wound is shortened

Special Abilities

Material Copy
Angelo is able to copy anything that is a small, hand-held item with simple structure (Such as knives, but not things like cell phones). Able to copy the item(s) up to 10 times, and they stay as permanent physical objects after a day they are summoned, and cannot be dismissed after that. However, during the time they are magically copied, Angelo cannot copy another item if one item is already copied, no matter how many or how little copies are made of that item. Only when the copied items are erased can Angelo copy an item once more
Shadow Formation
Angelo is able to transform into any shade or shadow, no matter if it’s someone’s shadow or the shade from a wall. The shadow must be at least half the size of Angelo’s body for him to turn into it, and he must have it in his sights to turn into it. He can go into the shadow and come out at any other spot where the shadow is at will. However, if that shadow is completely removed by light, Angelo will be “spat” out by force


Born within the slums of the city of Los Angeles in his mother’s bed, Angelo Michael McKallis lived a humble life. Even though his family was poor, he always had a drive to make money and live a better life than his parents did. After all, his motto was always “make life better than before”. He was homeschooled by his mother and father, who had very little paying jobs, and grew up an only child. Despite his father being an adept magic user, no jobs were available for him to take, and he wasn't going to do dirty work for money because of his son, and his mom unable to have any potential jobs other than prostitution, which she didn’t do for the same reason as her husband, they managed to get by. Angelo was on the right track for what he wanted, education as a start, some friends, his peers and parents giving him motivation in life. He had it all to achieve exactly what he wanted.

However, life is never that forgiving to the unlucky, it just never is. As one night, when Angelo was 16 and sleeping after a hard day’s work of labor, tragedy struck. A vampire who went by the name of Salanir snuck into Angelo’s home looking for fresh blood. She first went to Angelo’s room by pure luck and went to take her meal. Angelo woke up at the last second and screamed, but not before Salanir sank her teeth into his neck and shut him up by injecting pleasure-inducing hormones into him. But the single scream caused Angelo’s parents to wake up. His dad ran in, and him being the adept magic user that he was, immediately tried to rip Salanir’s soul out of her body to save his son.

Unfortunately, amongst the panic and chaos at that moment, Angelo’s dad didn’t process that Salanir already had her fangs in Angelo’s neck. As such, he panicked once he got that information processed through his head, and accidentally ripped Angelo’s soul out of his body at the same time as he did Salanir’s body. He panicked even more, and tried to get his son’s soul back into his body, but accidentally merged Salanir and Angelo’s souls into Angelo’s body. His body was still lifeless once the whole thing blew over, and they thought of him as dead. They went to bury him as well as burn Salanir’s corpse, and went on in their lives in despair. Unknowing to Angelo’s parents, his body may have seemed lifeless, but Angelo never died.

He merely had to have his body become adjusted to what his father did, put both his soul and Salanir’s soul into his body. Angelo woke from his grave, in his makeshift coffin his family and friends made for him. He tried to break free, banging on the coffin to call out to anyone, saying that he was alive. However, something was new about him, and that was clear when he was easily able to brute force his coffin and the dirt to push up and free him from his grave. He was in his front yard, on the side of his house since his parents were too poor to spend money for a proper burial at a cemetary. His parents heard the commotion and investigated. Only to see the quote-on-quote “horror” that was their son. His skin had turned a light brown, his eyes red and his hair now long and purple with elven-like ears. They panicked and tried to kill him, thinking that the vampire Salanir had taken over his body, but Angelo tried to talk with them and convince them it was still him. They didn’t listen since they were under a panic, and nearly killed him, Angelo thought he was done for.

But then, some new abilities kicked in, and he escaped through the shadows. It turned out that the second soul in his body, that of Salanir, had already known of the changes in his body. Turns out, with the vampire bite in Angelo’s neck, he had turned partially into a vampire. He would have been a full vampire, if not for Salanir’s blood sucking not being complete and interrupted. Angelo freaked out over this, and tries to go back to his parents to convince them once more. They rejected him again and had a vampire hunter there to deal with him if he came back. He ran away by the skin of his teeth this time, and so he retreated to a far away alleyway to wonder just what was happening to him. He couldn’t go back to his neighborhood at this point, his parents most likely consider him some undead monster and spread the word. Salanir just stood quiet, bored and frustrated that she couldn’t do anything to shut him up or convince him to stop at this point. After he was done wallowing Salanir talked it over with him and told him the best course of action, to try and find a new home to live in somewhere in the world.

He agreed after a short while of having to be convinced and went off to try and find a new place to call home that wasn’t the undercity of Arkesh’s society, nothing. He was rejected by everyone he went to for simply being a vampire, though they had no right to kill him. As it was out in public and in crowds when he tried to ask people, they couldn’t kill him, he never did anything wrong. However, he was still shunned by society and was socially outlawed by everyone around him. He went back to his alleyway to wallow after everything that happened, but Salanir had to think of something else. At the time she had thought that her fate was Angelo’s, that she would die when Angelo died. However, she made him go get a book about binding souls and the magic behind it through seducing him mentally, they discovered something. It was stated that whoever was the host of the body was at that time, in his case Angelo, would live their life and then die like normal. However, when they die the other soul within the body will move on to be the new host of the body, and everything about their body before they became a second soul will morph and shape the body’s physical appearance, structure, mental build, and even their magical abilities will adapt to what the second soul knew, any and all other abilities being discarded.

However, the book Salanir made Angelo steal was merely a work of fiction, and it was, in fact, the rules to a tabletop roleplay game more than anything. The book itself just looked fancy enough to fool someone thinking it was a real spellbook, if they were one to believe in that type of stuff. Salanir read this with him, and came up with a plan, unknowing of the book’s true origins. She planned to speed up the process of Angelo’s death. However, he knew she would plan something like this, she was a succubus-like vampire after all. Though, despite his best efforts to resist her words of temptation, he couldn’t. He, of course, tried to convince Salanir that the contents of the book were no more than the rules to a fantasy game, but she denied his words, becoming delusional and thinking that Angelo was trying to trick her into thinking he could live longer, when he was really telling the full truth.

Becoming a vampire meant he had traits of a normal vampire, obviously. His body would begin to reject any normal food he ate, as that would not be what a normal vampire eats. Though his body actually rejects the food as if it were inedible, unlike how a normal vampire has it where they simply gain little to no nutrients from the food. He asked just what was happening to him to Salanir, and she explained. She explained that him being a vampire now meant that he had to drink blood in order to survive, and Salanir never took chances with animals. She was afraid of any diseases they might have had. So, she steered him in the direction of humans, any human would do, but she took advantage of his hormones, being a teenager at this time. She seduced him as best as she could in his mind to go after pretty and beautiful women, that they will enjoy their blood being sucked if he were gentle enough. Angelo knew what she was doing and rejected her words, he rejected them at all costs… but he couldn’t escape them. And soon, by 2 months later he had enough, he couldn’t resist the temptation of his vampire’s side, and he did it. He snuck a prostitute at night when she was done with her job into his dark alleyway, and talked with her. He soon convinced her under the help of Salanir that it will be alright, and that she would enjoy the whole thing. He sucked her blood, and ended her life.

That was when there was no going back. He came to this realization and accepted it fully when he turned 18, all the while taking a woman’s life in the process to live every couple of months or so. He couldn’t earn a job due to his now existent, yet hidden, criminal record of murder. Yet still, Salanir wanted to end Angelo’s life as soon as she can to take control of his body and have it morph back into her own (based on her foolish thoughts of the book of course). She made him steal a costume that was one that made him stand out, one that made him look intimidating and threatening. She dug through his memories and found out that his family’s most prized possession is that of a pure golden goblet back at their house. So he had him sneak through the shadows to steal it, furthering himself even more away from his old life. And from there, he couldn’t even show his face anymore in public. Salanir wouldn’t let him take off the costume, he was weak-willed compared to Salanir, so she mentally forced him to keep it on, no matter how much he wanted to take it off. At the age of 23, he had given up on society, there was no going back for him by any means. So he had to resort to going to the undercity of Arkesh, taking illegal jobs of killing and capturing people, he proved a worthy adversary for most people. The people he worked for promised to keep his criminal record secret at all costs for their jobs he did, and so he became an unknown man of crime, only recognizable by his, as Angelo puts it, “cartoonish attire”.

Despite all of this, amongst his whole life experiences, through all of this madness and corruption in his life, Angelo remained sane. He still remained the jolly boy who wanted nothing more than to be in a relationship with a beautiful woman and live life with a mate, even if it was in the darkness and undercity of the world. However, he only turned to this lifestyle under Salanir’s ruthless willpower over Angelo’s more human, and simple mindedness compared to hers. That and the need for blood to survive as a vampire, it was unstoppable and only a matter of time before he succumbed to it. Angelo still regrets all of the 58 women he’s killed so far up to the present day, even if they were people like no-good hookers and criminals. He still wallows about it when he’s not under the temptation of sucking a human’s blood, and he still wishes he could have a mate that was up to his liking, and live with her for as long as he can before Salanir takes over his body and morphs it into her own… or so she thinks.