10 Kingdoms

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The 10 Kingdoms are the 10 large governments in Elder Soteria which came together after the great war to sign the Peace of Ages. They are each members of the Rose Council to ensure another horrible war never comes again.


Braebar, a kingdom ensconced within dense jungles and imposing mountains, is a beacon of tradition, spirituality, and resilience. Its rich tapestry of culture is woven with threads of divine reverence, particularly towards the deity Aelia, whose influence permeates every facet of Braebarian life. The political structure, with the Council of the Chosen at its zenith, is a testament to the kingdom's unique blend of divine guidance and feudal governance. The Stoikrez Trials and the Iron Edict, deeply rooted in both martial prowess and spiritual alignment, ensure that leadership remains both competent and spiritually attuned.
The Braebarian populace, characterized by their stoicism and unwavering duty, thrive in a matriarchal society where women are the public figureheads, and men are the pillars of the domestic realm. This societal structure is further reinforced by the kingdom's economic dynamics, with a strong emphasis on the export of precious metals and tropical produce, and the import of essential commodities like meat and textiles. Yet, beneath the surface, Braebar remains ever vigilant against the lurking threats of the Severed Realm and the Dark Aether, with institutions like the Guardians of the Realms and the Conclave of Shadows standing guard. This blend of spirituality, tradition, and pragmatism makes Braebar a realm of both mystique and might.
In Dusnain, a realm of rugged mountains, light woods, and sparse pasture lands, life is guided by a complex tapestry of values, traditions, and social norms. The society is deeply rooted in principles of duty, integrity, and honor, which are evident in every facet of life—from governance and law to trade and relationships. The Witanmoot Council, a representative body of elected officials, serves as the cornerstone of the realm's political structure, while the judiciary enforces a stringent legal code. Trade is a vital aspect of Dusnain's economy, with gemstones, minerals, wool, and herbal remedies being the primary exports. The realm's currency system is equally intricate, featuring standard coins made of platinum, gold, silver, and copper, as well as special currencies like Verszeg and Adossaglap, which hold ceremonial and contractual significance.
Education is highly valued, with every city and village hosting schools for the young and universities gracing the major cities. The realm's unique geography and climate have shaped its economy, leading to a focus on mining and textiles, particularly wool. The society is pragmatic, often prioritizing practical considerations over romantic inclinations in matters of love and courtship. Marriage is generally not for love but for social and economic stability, often sealed with Adossaglap, a token of debt and honor among nobles. Despite the realm's pragmatic approach to life, spirituality holds a significant place, with the pantheon of deities like Aelia, Eruer, and Osyn influencing the moral and ethical fabric of the society. The realm is dotted with significant locations like the Ruins of Wulfre Keep, a religiously holy site, and the Six Cities of Bariande, the capital and seat of power. Overall, Dusnain is a realm where tradition and modernity coexist, creating a rich and complex cultural landscape.
Nestled along the North Sea, Froqua is a realm defined by its intricate tapestry of culture, politics, and economy. At its heart lies a unique political system, where a council of wise elders guides the nation with a deep sense of duty, and justice is administered by the enigmatic Sarnai monks, who embody the principle of least-force. This realm thrives through vibrant trade, using agates as currency, and exports a rich array of gemstones, textiles, craftsmanship, and agricultural produce, all while fostering strong trade relationships with its neighboring realms and those across the sea. Froqua's culture, steeped in reverence for nature, is a harmonious blend of religious beliefs and core values. The Froquan people cherish their role as the chosen children of celestial guardians Onos and Myta, and their daily lives reflect a profound connection with the dreamlike nature of existence. Courtship dances symbolize a transition from youthful dalliances to profound relationships, while families are built upon deep bonds and the wisdom of their elders. In Froqua, balance, kindness, and the Threefold Vows are not mere ideals; they are the very essence of life, woven into the fabric of their existence.
As the sun casts its warm embrace upon Froqua's diverse landscapes, one can't help but feel the gentle presence of Onos and Myta, the divine dreamers who shape this realm's destiny. With the ancient Mabrook Stronghold as its capital, Froqua stands as a testament to the resilience of its people, who have transitioned from monarchies to councils, always striving to uphold balance and unity. In this land of gemstone riches, the sparkle of agates illuminates its thriving economy, fostering trade relations that reach across the seas. Froquan culture, with its graceful dances and close-knit families, celebrates the dreamlike nature of existence, reminding all who visit or call it home that, in Froqua, life itself is a delicate dance on the edge of dreams.
The Kingdom of Adren is a spiritually rich and culturally diverse realm, characterized by its strong emphasis on family life, communal responsibility, and lifelong education. Geographically varied, it features landmarks like The Ghost Tower and the Citadel of Zeiram the Lich, which serve as both spiritual and historical touchstones. The society is deeply rooted in the teachings of the deities Myta and Onos, and while there is no formal religious doctrine, a belief in Adren's creation myth is subtly expected. The family unit is the cornerstone of both individual and communal identity, and the act of building or remodeling a home is considered a significant life milestone. Social standing is influenced by factors such as family background, profession, and the ability to contribute meaningfully to the community, making marriage a carefully considered life event.
In Adren, the marketplace is the hub of social life, central to trade, social interaction, and the dissemination of news. Intellectual curiosity is highly valued, encouraging a culture of lifelong learning that includes academic knowledge, emotional intelligence, and social skills. The kingdom's geography is diverse, featuring lush jungles, fertile farmlands, and coastal regions, each contributing to its economic vitality. Major cities like Ingwood, Beobluff, and Kenga serve as centers for trade, agriculture, and cultural exchange. The kingdom's focus on mutual support and collective well-being is evident in its strong community bonds, and its commitment to environmental stewardship reflects a deep respect for nature.
The Oflar Empire, nestled amidst diverse landscapes, stands as a testament to unity, introspection, and a deep-rooted spiritual connection. With its capital, Harwold, at its heart, the empire stretches from the rugged Penda Bluffs in the west to the towering Naramunz Mountains in the east. The arid Sadir Desert to the south, once under the shadow of Emirkol the Chaotic, and the imposing northern mountain range further define its vast boundaries. Governed by the Divine Triarchy and the Council of Elders, the empire's political structure is a harmonious blend of meritocratic and egalitarian principles, ensuring every citizen's voice is valued and their deeds honored.
Trade and commerce in the empire are uniquely intertwined with its cultural and spiritual values. The Time-Tithe system, Sakralfrid Scrolls, and Sacred Stones form the backbone of its economic exchanges, reflecting the Oflarians' deep reverence for time, knowledge, and the natural world. Families, as the foundational units of society, operate with fluidity and mutual respect, emphasizing personal deeds and actions over inherited legacies. Romantic and familial bonds are sacred, often transcending individual desires for the collective good. The empire's emphasis on action, or "Verkliga," and introspective stillness, termed "Sakralfrid," further underscores its societal norms, where personal endeavors and community well-being are held in equal esteem.