Realm of Froqua

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Religion and Spirituality

In the spiritual tapestry of Froqua, the faith is not merely a set of beliefs but a living, breathing entity that shapes the very essence of the realm. At the heart of this faith is the conviction that the people of Froqua are the chosen children of Myta and Onos, destined to live in the divine dream woven by these celestial guardians. This dream is the realm itself, a sanctuary of balance and beauty, where every mountain, river, and gemstone is a manifestation of the gods' imagination and love. The Dreamweavers, an enigmatic order, serve as the spiritual guides, interpreting the dreams and visions sent by Onos and Myta to guide their children.

Core Beliefs

Life in Froqua is considered a journey through this divine dream, a sacred pilgrimage towards understanding and enlightenment. The ultimate goal is to awaken from this dream in death and join Myta and Onos in the Infinite Sanctuary, a realm of eternal peace and boundless possibilities. Here, the soul is free to roam as a child of the divine, forever bathed in the love and wisdom of the gods. This belief in an eternal, loving sanctuary provides a profound sense of comfort and purpose, especially during times of hardship or loss.

The gemstones that are abundant in Froqua are considered tears of Myta, each holding a fragment of divine sorrow and power. They serve as a constant reminder of the gods' presence and influence, as well as the duality of creation and destruction. These gemstones are central to many rituals and are believed to possess the power to both heal and harm, to create and destroy, reflecting the dual nature of Myta and Onos.

Dreams hold a special place in Froquan spirituality. They are considered messages from the gods, fragments of the larger dream that is the realm itself. Interpreting these dreams is a sacred art, and many seek the wisdom of the Dreamweavers to understand the gods' will. The faith teaches that as one navigates through the dream of life, adhering to the core values of balance, reverence for nature, wisdom, and kindness, they draw closer to the moment of awakening—when the soul is finally ready to join the gods in the Infinite Sanctuary.

Religious Values

The Equilibrium of Existence
Nature is the epitome of divine balance, a living testament to the harmonious interplay of growth and decay, life and death. To revere nature is to honor the celestial equilibrium that sustains all existence.
Harmonia Sapientia
This term encapsulates the sacred wisdom that arises from the union of masculine and feminine energies. It is the wisdom of Onos and Myta, the divine couple, mirrored in the balanced relationships between husbands and wives.
The Virtue of Benevolence
To love another as one would wish to be loved is not merely a principle but a divine commandment. It echoes the soul's journey in the Infinite Sanctuary, where healing and growth are the ultimate expressions of love.
The Law of Thricefold Return
This immutable principle is etched into the fabric of the universe itself. One's actions reverberate through the cosmos, returning thrice-fold, whether for good or ill. It serves as a celestial guidepost, urging individuals to tread the path of righteousness.
The Truth of Dreams
Dreams are not mere figments of the imagination but divine messages from the Ocean of Dreams. To "awaken" from this earthly realm through death is to be chosen for transcendence, becoming a child of Onos and Myta in the Infinite Sanctuary.

Important Holidays

Important holidays serve as spiritual milestones that punctuate the year, each resonating with the core values of balance, reverence for nature, and the wisdom of dreams. Rooted in celestial events and the cycles of the earth, these holidays are a harmonious blend of joyous celebration and solemn reflection. They offer opportunities for communal gatherings, spiritual renewal, and the deepening of familial bonds. From the winter solstice's dreamy introspection during Yirra to the energetic festivities of Tjukurpa at the summer solstice, each holiday is a manifestation of the realm's intricate relationship with the divine and the natural world. Through rituals, offerings, and shared experiences, the people of Froqua continually reaffirm their commitment to the teachings of Onos and Myta, seeking to maintain the delicate balance that sustains their land and their lives.

Occurs during the winter solstice and is a reverent holiday. It is believed that during this time, the realm is closest to the Ocean of Dreams. Families gather to light candles and share dreams they've had throughout the year. Dream interpreters often have a high demand during this period, as people seek to understand the messages in their dreams.
Celebrated at the autumn equinox, this is a balanced and reflective holiday. It marks the end of the growing season and the beginning of the harvest. People bring offerings of the first fruits to local temples, and communal feasts are held to celebrate the bounty of the land.
Takes place during the spring equinox and is a joyful, celebratory holiday. It is a time for community gatherings, where people share what they have and express gratitude. Traditional dances and songs are performed to welcome the new season and to honor the balance of nature.
Celebrated during the first full moon of the year, this is a serene and contemplative holiday. Women often lead moonlit ceremonies, focusing on themes of renewal and feminine wisdom. It is common to set personal intentions for the year ahead during this time.
Observed during the summer solstice, this is an energetic and competitive holiday. Athletic competitions and feats of strength are common, as are bonfires and communal meals. It's a time to celebrate the height of the sun's power and the masculine energy it represents.
Occurs during a rare celestial event where three prominent stars align, making it a mysterious and awe-inspiring holiday. Special rituals are performed to cleanse negative energies and invite positive ones. People often wear amulets or talismans believed to harness the energy of the aligned stars.
Celebrated on the last day of the year, this is a solemn and spiritual holiday. It is a day of remembrance for those who have "awakened" and transcended to the Infinite Sanctuary. Families light incense and offer prayers, hoping that their departed loved ones have found peace in the divine realm.

Important Rituals

Rituals are deeply interwoven with the celestial cycles and significant life events, serving as tangible expressions of the community's core values. Each ritual, whether tied to a holiday or a milestone in life, is a manifestation of the balance between nature and divinity, masculine and feminine wisdom, and the transformative power of kindness. For instance, the Nightfall ritual during the winter solstice and the Dance of Warruk at the spring equinox both honor the balance of nature, a value etched into the very fabric of Froquan society. Rituals like the Gemstone Blessing and the Awakening Passage mark the beginning and end of life, respectively, and are deeply rooted in the belief of the Infinite Sanctuary as the ultimate destination for souls. The Dreamer's Rite, a coming-of-age ceremony, encapsulates the value of wisdom and the importance of dreams, guiding the youth towards a balanced and harmonious life. Through these rituals, Froquans not only celebrate their beliefs but also strengthen their commitment to the values that define them, creating a cohesive and spiritually rich community.

During the winter solstice, families gather around a sacred fire to perform this ritual. Each member writes down a dream they've had on a piece of parchment and throws it into the fire as an offering to Onos and Myta. The rising smoke is believed to carry the dreams to the divine realm. It's customary to fast for a day before the ritual to enhance dream clarity.
Murna's Blessing
At the autumn equinox, the first fruits of the harvest are offered at local temples. A ceremonial dance is performed around the offerings, asking for the gods' blessings for the coming winter. The eldest member of the community initiates the dance, symbolizing the wisdom of age.
Dance of Warruk
During the spring equinox, communities gather for a ritualistic dance that celebrates the balance of nature. Dancers wear costumes representing various natural elements, and the dance is believed to bring prosperity and balance for the year ahead. The dance is often accompanied by traditional drumming.
Moon Prayers
On the first full moon of the year, women lead a moonlit ceremony where participants set their intentions for the year ahead. A small object symbolizing each intention is placed on an altar, and prayers are offered to Myta for guidance. The objects are then buried under a tree to symbolize growth.
Challenge of Tjukur
At the summer solstice, young men engage in a ritualistic athletic competition. The winner is honored with the task of lighting the communal bonfire, symbolizing the sun's peak strength. The ashes from the bonfire are collected and used in various healing rituals throughout the year.
Jirig Cleansing
During this rare celestial event, participants create amulets infused with herbs and gemstones. These are worn during a ritualistic dance aimed at cleansing negative energies and inviting positive ones. The amulets are often kept as talismans for protection.
Mingar's Memories
On the last day of the year, families light incense and offer prayers for their departed loved ones. A moment of silence is observed, and it's believed that the smoke carries their prayers to the Infinite Sanctuary. Family members often share stories of the departed, keeping their memories alive.
Gemstone Blessing
Shortly after a child is born, a Dreamweaver performs a ritual to bless the newborn. A gemstone is placed on the child's forehead, symbolizing the divine tear of Myta and the potential for both creation and destruction. The gemstone is usually chosen based on the child's birth month.
Awakening Passage
At the time of death, the body is adorned with gemstones and herbs. A Dreamweaver leads a ceremony to guide the departed soul to awaken in the Infinite Sanctuary, where they will be free to roam as a child of Onos and Myta. The ceremony is performed at dusk, symbolizing the transition from one realm to another.
Soul Union
During a wedding, the couple exchanges gemstone rings and vows to uphold the balance of masculine and feminine wisdom in their union. A Dreamweaver blesses the marriage, invoking the harmonious relationship between Onos and Myta. The ceremony often includes a shared cup of herbal tea to symbolize unity.
Dreamer's Rite
When a child reaches adulthood, they undergo a ritual that involves a solitary night in nature. They are given a dream journal and are expected to record any dreams or visions they experience, which are later interpreted by a Dreamweaver. The journal is traditionally made of handmade paper and bound in leather, symbolizing the importance of the rite.


In the annals of Froqua, a realm shaped by celestial dreams and earthly ambitions, history unfolds as divine prophecies, mortal follies, and enduring wisdom. From its mythic inception by the gods Onos and Myta to its tumultuous involvement in the War of the False Prophets, and through a millennium of peace under the auspices of the Peace of Ages, Froqua has navigated a complex landscape of spiritual revelations and geopolitical intrigues. As you delve deeper into this chronicle, you will encounter a realm that has weathered the storms of war and skepticism.

The Dream and the Prophecy

In the primordial tapestry of existence, celestial guardians Onos and Myta wove a dream of ineffable splendor, breathing life into the Realm of Froqua - a sanctuary of cosmic harmony, cradled in their eternal dreaming. Myta, moved by the ephemeral beauty of their creation, wept a tear of divine sorrow that crystallized upon touching the realm's virgin soil. This luminous gem became the wellspring of all gemstones in Froqua, each a shard of celestial melancholy, imbued with the essence to both create and annihilate. Myta's divine touch anointed select lineages, giving rise to the Dreamweavers - an order that walked the twilight path between light and shadow, guardians of the gods' whispered dreams. In an epoch veiled in the mists of antiquity, these gemstones were forged into weapons of mythic power, their original purposes now obscured by the sands of time. Yet, a prophecy murmured among the Dreamweavers spoke of an impending dusk: a nightmarish vision from Onos and Myta would disrupt the realm's delicate balance, necessitating the crafting of a new divine weapon from Myta's celestial tears to stave off the looming chaos.

The Lessons of War

In an age convulsed by the War of the False Prophets, realms united and fractured under the banner of the Alliance of a New Dawn. Guided by the ephemeral wisdom of mortal prophets and led by the Kingdom of Braebar, they sought dominion over Thaentis and Dusnain. Yet, as they unleashed the furies of war, they strayed from the hallowed teachings of Onos and Myta, the divine weavers of dreams and reality. The Dreamweavers' prophecy, a harbinger of the gods' forthcoming nightmare, materialized in a cascade of calamities, both natural and wrought by mortal hands, as if the gods' nightmarish reverie had seeped into the corporeal world.

In the aftermath, Froqua was a realm teetering on the abyss. Its lifeblood drained, alliances shattered, and famine reaping a grim harvest. Yet, even as the land began its arduous journey toward healing, Froqua found itself beset by relentless incursions from erstwhile allies Braebar and Espary. In a twist of fate, Thaentis, once a foe, extended a hand of peace, forging non-aggression pacts and establishing a sanctuary for trade on an isle that lay betwixt their realms. As the world yearned for solace, Froqua was among the vanguard advocating for a lasting peace, a call that would eventually echo into the Peace of Ages. As the dawn of the Peace of Ages approached, Froqua stood at a crossroads—wounded but hopeful. Trade resumed with Espary and Braebar, signaling a cautious return to stability. When the Dark Races questioned the emerging peace, Froqua, ever the champion of balance and fairness, was among the first to propose their inclusion in the peace accords. However, this notion was unanimously dismissed by the Ten Kingdoms and the Fae envoys.

A Millennium of Tranquility

In the wake of the Peace of Ages, which took root in 7 AW, Froqua embarked on a millennium-long journey of restoration and enlightenment. The realm, once fractured and beleaguered, found solace in the enduring wisdom of the Dreamweavers and the celestial teachings of Onos and Myta. Over the centuries, the gemstones—those crystallized tears of divine sorrow—became symbols of unity and spiritual awakening, their mystical properties harnessed for the betterment of society. Agriculture flourished in the semi-arid landscapes, nourished by the realm's newfound understanding of balance and harmony. Trade routes expanded, not just with Thaentis but also with other realms, as Froqua became a beacon of stability and prosperity.

As the years turned into decades and then centuries, Froqua entered an Age of Exploration. The realm's seafarers ventured into the Silent Sea and the North Sea, discovering new lands and forging alliances with distant kingdoms. Yet, even as they explored the world beyond, the Dreamweavers' prophecies served as a constant reminder of the need for balance. Scientific advancements were tempered with spiritual wisdom, ensuring that Froqua's progress did not come at the expense of its core values.

Today, as Froqua stands on the cusp of another epoch, the realm remains a study in contrasts—modern yet traditional, progressive yet rooted in ancient wisdom. While it enjoys the fruits of a thousand years of peace, it remains vigilant, ever mindful of the Dreamweavers' prophecies and the teachings of Onos and Myta. The realm continues to advocate for balance and inclusivity on the global stage, its voice a harmonious blend of past and present, celestial and earthly. As it looks toward the future, Froqua holds fast to its core belief: that true prosperity lies in maintaining the delicate equilibrium between the dreams of gods and the ambitions of mortals.