10 Kingdoms

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The 10 Kingdoms are the 10 large governments in Elder Soteria which came together after the great war to sign the Peace of Ages. They are each members of the Rose Council to ensure another horrible war never comes again.


Braebar, a kingdom ensconced within dense jungles and imposing mountains, is a beacon of tradition, spirituality, and resilience. Its rich tapestry of culture is woven with threads of divine reverence, particularly towards the deity Aelia, whose influence permeates every facet of Braebarian life. The political structure, with the Council of the Chosen at its zenith, is a testament to the kingdom's unique blend of divine guidance and feudal governance. The Stoikrez Trials and the Iron Edict, deeply rooted in both martial prowess and spiritual alignment, ensure that leadership remains both competent and spiritually attuned.
The Braebarian populace, characterized by their stoicism and unwavering duty, thrive in a matriarchal society where women are the public figureheads, and men are the pillars of the domestic realm. This societal structure is further reinforced by the kingdom's economic dynamics, with a strong emphasis on the export of precious metals and tropical produce, and the import of essential commodities like meat and textiles. Yet, beneath the surface, Braebar remains ever vigilant against the lurking threats of the Severed Realm and the Dark Aether, with institutions like the Guardians of the Realms and the Conclave of Shadows standing guard. This blend of spirituality, tradition, and pragmatism makes Braebar a realm of both mystique and might.