Popocatepetl Uchiha (Angelic Sins Varient)

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Revision as of 04:54, 4 August 2023 by Necahual (talk | contribs)
Popocatepetl Uchiha
Played by: User:necahual
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 185 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Tzitzimitl/Shinobi hybrid
Age: 16
Date of Birth: November 12, 2007
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: Toned, mostly normal for a male of his age but usually uses a blindfold
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Occupation: ANBU black ops
Rank / Skill Level: Experienced
Status: Approved
Setting: Angelic Sins

While Popocatepetl's calm demeanor often masks his inner rage, this internal conflict grants him an edge in battle. It fuels his determination and gives him an unyielding resolve to protect those he holds dear. However, he must tread carefully to prevent his anger from consuming him entirely, as its destructive potential is as powerful as the volcanoes that share his name. Guided by a mix of ancient traditions and contemporary wisdom, Popocatepetl seeks to find balance within himself and make sense of his complex identity in a world that often defies explanation.

Special Skills

  • Polyglot
  • CQC
  • Swordsmanship

Special Abilities

  • form shift - can shift between human and tzitzimitl at will
  • superhuman speed - Can keep a steady jog at speeds up to 25 miles an hour and can sprint short distances at up to 40 miles an hour
  • superhuman perception - His senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are much more acute and sensitive than what humans are capable of.
  • superhuman reflexes: his reflexes are about 6 times greater than those of an ordinary human.
  • superhuman strength - Capable of lifting 7 tons over his head. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump 5 times his body height in a single bound.
  • superhuman durability - He can withstand extreme impacts, such as being thrown through a plate glass window, that would severely injure or kill a normal human.
  • superhuman agility: his agility, balance, flexibility, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast.
  • superhuman stamina - can physically exert himself continuously for several hours before the build-up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.
  • tzitzimitl longevity - Matures at the same rate as humans but has no upper bound on his lifespan
  • Fire nature


Popocatepetl, known affectionately as Popo, was to Eito, a skilled shinobi, and their mother, Itzmitzin, a powerful Tzitzimitl, knew that their child possessed a unique and potent lineage, merging the traits of two ancient and formidable beings. At the tender age of 10, Popo experienced a tragic incident that shaped their destiny. Unable to control the immense power inherited from their parents, Popo lost control during a moment of anger, unintentionally unleashing their abilities. In a frenzy, they killed a newly turned vampire that had crossed their path, an act that would haunt them for years to come. However, this incident had a deeper consequence, as the sheer magnitude of their power caused them to lose their eyesight, leaving them blind.

Determined to prevent such tragedies from occurring again, Popo's father, Eito, took on the responsibility of training and guiding their powers. Under his tutelage, Popo began to learn how to control their abilities and channel their rage into something more constructive. Under the watchful guidance of Eito, Popocatepetl embarked on a rigorous training regimen that honed their physical and mental abilities. Eito instilled in them the discipline of a ninja, emphasizing stealth, agility, and mastery of various martial arts techniques. Popocatepetl underwent intense physical conditioning, enduring grueling exercises to enhance their strength, speed, and endurance.

Eito also taught Popocatepetl the art of combat, imparting their knowledge of weapon handling and strategic thinking. They practiced the precise throwing of shurikens and kunai, and Eito shared their expertise in analyzing opponents' weaknesses and exploiting them to gain the upper hand in battle. Together, they sparred countless times, Eito providing Popocatepetl with valuable lessons in combat tactics and the importance of staying composed even in the midst of chaos.

Devourer form
ANBU gear