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An artist rendition of the demon De'fient.

De'fient is an immaterial, demonic presence, unfettered by a tangible body but consistently characterized by a male essence. His inception and age remain enigmatic, even to himself, with his existence suspended perpetually on the Earthly Plane due to circumstances unknown. His sustenance is derived from the corruption of human souls, with a predilection for targeting innocent human females. De'fient insidiously erodes her virtue until she perishes or successfully breaks the ominous connection.

Age / Origin

De'fient's existence transcends the concepts of time and space; he is so antiquated that the details of his origins and the duration of his stay on Earth have blurred into oblivion. His existence is characterized by prolonged periods of dormancy, during which he seamlessly navigates through the Earthly Plane, unnoticed and undisturbed.

Choice / Binding

De'fient's mode of operation involves subtly coaxing a human into inviting him into their psyche, thus establishing a bond with their soul. The duration of this process can vary significantly, from a drawn-out gradual process to an abrupt event, depending on how swiftly the individual surrenders their defenses. De'fient uses cunning persuasion to manipulate the person into accepting his influence. Though he doesn't require explicit consent, prolonged exposure to his influence can create a link between them.


De'fient thrives on the gradual decay and degradation of human souls. The longer he can retain control over a human soul without it departing this plane, the more nourishment he receives, enabling him to sustain his existence and remain conscious.


Though the process of corrupting a soul has inherently sexual undertones, and De'fient does have a preference for such forms of corruption, they are not the sole methods of inflicting his influence. Any form of moral compromise, be it monetary, ethical, or of other types, suffices to infuse darkness into the soul and cater to his needs. It's not imperative for him to instigate sexual misconduct when other modes of exploitation can achieve the same result.

Protection / Obsession

Despite his malevolent intent, De'fient exhibits a paradoxical obsession with the soul he binds to, going to great lengths to ensure its preservation.

Physical Form

Though generally incorporeal, De'fient has the ability to assume a physical form temporarily, though this is taxing on him. Prolonged materialization often forces him into a dormant state for a period proportional to his physical manifestation. Moreover, his physical form is discernible only to the soul he's bound to, making her the exclusive observer and experiencer of his tangible presence.