Felicity Aurora Bloom

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Felicity Aurora Bloom
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Date of Birth: July 17, 1997
Place of Birth: Castro Valley, California
Eye Color: Pale Green
Hair Color: Black with Purple
Figure: Pale unnaturally smooths skin, a small scar under her right eye
Occupation: Cam Girl
Follower of Tharok the Malevolent
Rank / Skill Level: High Priestess
Status: NPC
Setting: Angelic Sins

Felicity presents a multifaceted personality that can be both alluring and manipulative. She possesses a friendly and sensual demeanor, capable of charming others with her enticing nature. However, her interactions are often marked by a calculated approach, strategically revealing only selective truths and adapting her behavior to suit her own agenda. Felicity exudes a certain level of confidence, even as she battles her inner demons of self-doubt and insecurities. Her assertiveness emerges when necessary, allowing her to take charge and lead those around her. Yet, her manners can be crude and vulgar, a rebellious manifestation of her defiance towards societal norms. Beneath her outward charm lies a deeply troubled individual, teetering on the edge of darkness and desperately grasping for validation and power.

Deep within Felicity's psyche lies a complex tapestry of conflicting emotions and desires. She has normalized the notion of deserving subjugation to a powerful entity, particularly a demonic force, as a means of seeking validation. Her inner self is marked by a constant battle between her yearning for acceptance, freedom, and self-expression, and her internalized oppression and self-oppression. The cognitive dissonance resulting from these opposing beliefs takes a toll on her mental health, pushing her toward the brink of a psychotic break. Felicity's mind is consumed by an insatiable hunger for power, drawing her deeper into the darkness of the occult. Her relentless pursuit of more power, despite the toll it takes on her mental well-being, fuels her dark obsession and drives her towards increasingly dangerous and psychotic tendencies.

Mental Health

Felicity Aurora Bloom's mental health teeters precariously on the edge of a precipice. Her obsession with acquiring more power and her willingness to subjugate herself to potent demonic forces have created a dangerous cycle of validation and self-destruction. Each spell she casts, each demonic entity she summons, drains her mental reserves, pushing her closer to the brink. Her mind, once a fortress, is now a battlefield, ravaged by her dark obsessions and the constant strain of wielding such potent magic. As she delves deeper into the occult, her behavior becomes increasingly erratic, marked by intense mood swings, paranoia, and a growing detachment from reality. Felicity stands on the threshold of a psychotic break, her relentless pursuit of power and retribution driving her further into the darkness.

Special Abilities

Felicity Aurora Bloom, driven by her relentless pursuit of power and her willingness to delve into the darkest corners of the occult, has honed a formidable array of abilities. She can summon entities from the Severed Realm, manipulate dark energy, exert psychic influence over others, and even separate her spirit from her body through astral projection. Additionally, she possesses the chilling ability to communicate with and raise the dead, cast potent curses and hexes, and use dark magic for divination. She can also forge dangerous pacts with demonic entities, trading her services or offerings for their power or assistance. However, these potent abilities come at a significant cost. Each use of her dark magic drains her mental and physical energy, pushing her closer to the brink of a breakdown. Despite the toll it takes on her, Felicity continues to wield these abilities in her relentless pursuit of power, seemingly heedless of the impending danger.

Demonic Summoning
Felicity can call forth entities from the Severed Realm, bending them to her will. This ability allows her to manipulate circumstances in her favor, whether it's to acquire resources or to exert control over others.
Dark Energy Manipulation
Felicity can harness and manipulate dark energy, using it to cast powerful spells. This energy can be used to inflict harm, create barriers, or manipulate the physical world in various ways.
Psychic Influence
Felicity can influence the thoughts and emotions of others, bending them to her will. This ability allows her to manipulate others, making them act in ways that serve her interests.
Astral Projection
Felicity can separate her spirit from her body, allowing her to travel in the astral plane. This ability gives her access to places and information that would otherwise be out of reach.
Felicity can communicate with the dead, and in some cases, even raise them. This ability allows her to gain information, manipulate spirits, and create undead servants.
Curses and Hexes
Felicity is adept at casting curses and hexes, inflicting harm on those who cross her or stand in her way.
Dark Divination
Felicity can use dark magic to gain insight into the future or uncover hidden information. This ability allows her to stay one step ahead of her enemies and manipulate events in her favor.
Pact Making
Felicity can forge pacts with demonic entities, trading her services or offerings for their power or assistance. These pacts, while dangerous, grant her access to even greater power.

Special Skills

Felicity Aurora Bloom's formidable set of skills, acquired through her tumultuous life experiences in the streets and the dark underworld, contribute to her prowess as a dangerous practitioner of the dark arts. Her practical expertise and survival skills, honed in the harsh realities of the streets, provide her with a unique advantage. Felicity's street savvy and shrewd awareness of the criminal underworld enable her to navigate treacherous paths and exploit vulnerabilities. She possesses combat and self-defense abilities, allowing her to protect herself and incapacitate her enemies when necessary. Her intuition, observation, and resourcefulness aid her in assessing situations, reading people's intentions, and finding creative solutions. Furthermore, her deception and manipulation skills grant her the power to charm and manipulate others to serve her interests. These specialized skills, coupled with her formidable occult abilities, make Felicity a force to be reckoned with, despite her lack of academic knowledge and formal education.

Street Savvy
Felicity possesses an innate understanding of the twisted underbelly of the streets, where survival depends on cunning and instincts. She has developed a shrewd awareness of the criminal underworld's intricate web, enabling her to navigate its treacherous paths with ease. Felicity knows how to identify potential threats, exploit vulnerabilities, and manipulate the darkest forces lurking in the shadows to her advantage. Her street smarts make her a formidable figure in the seedy underbelly, where danger and deception reign supreme.
Deception and Manipulation
Growing up in a world of turmoil and betrayal, Felicity has become adept at deception and manipulation. She can skillfully charm or manipulate others to serve her interests, using her charisma and cunning to gain advantage.
Combat and Self-Defense
Felicity has acquired self-defense skills through her experiences on the streets. She knows how to handle herself in physical altercations, using her agility and resourcefulness to protect herself and incapacitate her enemies.
Intuition and Observation
Felicity possesses keen intuition and observational skills, developed through her experiences in the streets. She can quickly assess situations, read people's intentions, and anticipate potential threats or opportunities.
Survival Instincts
Felicity's turbulent life has sharpened her survival instincts. She can adapt to challenging circumstances, make quick decisions under pressure, and find creative solutions to overcome obstacles.
Lock Picking and Stealth
Felicity has acquired skills in lock picking and stealth, allowing her to gain access to secured areas and move undetected when necessary.
Felicity's life of adversity has taught her to be resourceful. She can make use of limited resources, improvise tools or weapons, and find unconventional solutions to problems.


Felicity Aurora Bloom, born into a promising life that quickly spiraled into hardship due to her family's financial collapse, was shaped by a childhood marked by neglect, bullying, and emotional turmoil. Her struggles continued into adolescence, leading to her dropping out of school and descending into a life of crime and sex work. At her lowest point, homeless and desperate, Felicity turned to the occult, a dark path she had been introduced to during her tumultuous teenage years. As she harnessed this dark magic to manipulate her circumstances and survive, she fell deeper into the clutches of the Severed Realm's demonic forces. By 2023, Felicity had become a formidable practitioner of dark magic, using her powers to exploit others while offering herself to ultra-masculine demonic energies in a twisted pursuit of power and retribution against a world that had wronged her.

Early Life

Felicity Aurora Bloom was born on July 17, 1997, to parents, Jonathan and Amelia Bloom. Jonathan, a savvy investor, and Amelia, a software engineer, were both well-established in their careers and believed they were ready to start a family. They welcomed Felicity into the world with open arms, ready to provide her with a comfortable and loving home. Their lives took a drastic turn when the Russian financial crisis hit in 1998. Jonathan, who had heavily invested in the Russian market, saw his investments plummet almost overnight. The family was able to weather this storm due to Amelia's stable income from her job in the tech industry.

Unfortunately, the worst was yet to come. In 2000, the dot-com bubble burst, causing a severe downturn in the tech industry. Amelia, like many others in her field, lost her job. The family's main source of income vanished, and their financial situation went from comfortable to dire in a matter of months. The Blooms, once a prosperous family, found themselves struggling to make ends meet. This financial instability marked the beginning of a challenging period in Felicity's life, setting the stage for the hardships and struggles she would face in the future.

The financial crisis hit the Bloom family hard. Jonathan and Amelia, once comfortable in their suburban home in Castro Valley, found themselves unable to keep up with their mortgage payments. The bank foreclosed on their home, and they were forced to move to the Tenderloin district in San Francisco, a stark contrast to the life they had known. The Tenderloin, known for its high crime rate and poverty, was a far cry from the safe, suburban environment of Castro Valley. Felicity, who was just a toddler at the time, was suddenly thrust into a world that was vastly different from the one she was born into.

After a few challenging years in the Tenderloin, the Bloom family decided to move again, this time to Orange Cove, California. The small agricultural town offered a lower cost of living and potential job opportunities. Amelia managed to find work at a local hotel, while Jonathan landed a job doing tech support for a local company. The jobs were a far cry from their previous careers, but they provided a steady income and a chance for the family to start rebuilding their lives.

This period of instability and constant moving had a profound impact on young Felicity. The hardships she witnessed and experienced during these years would shape her worldview and influence her future decisions. Felicity's transition into school was far from smooth. The other children, aware of her family's fall from grace, were quick to single her out. From her first day in kindergarten, she was the target of relentless bullying. The children's cruel words and actions left deep emotional scars, and Felicity often found herself feeling isolated and misunderstood. At home, things were no better. Jonathan and Amelia, consumed by their own struggles and depression, were unable to provide Felicity with the emotional support she needed. This left Felicity largely to fend for herself, a heavy burden for such a young child to bear.

The combination of bullying at school and neglect at home took a toll on Felicity's mental health. She began to exhibit emotional and behavioral problems, acting out in class and struggling to form healthy relationships with her peers. Her academic performance suffered as a result. Despite her natural intelligence, Felicity found it hard to concentrate on her studies, and her grades began to slip. These early years were a time of great hardship for Felicity. The experiences she had during this time - the bullying, the neglect, the academic struggles - all contributed to her feelings of powerlessness and isolation. These feelings would later drive her to seek power and control through darker means.

As Felicity transitioned into high school, her life took a darker turn. The bullying she had endured in her earlier years morphed into something more sinister. She began to mirror the behavior of her tormentors, becoming a bully herself. This was a twisted way of regaining some control, a way to ensure she was no longer the victim. Her parents, Jonathan and Amelia, were still largely absent from her life. Both were working over 40 hours a week in an attempt to keep the family afloat, leaving Felicity feeling abandoned and neglected. Her anger towards them grew, fueling her rebellious behavior.

Felicity fell in with a crowd that was known for their reckless behavior. They were a group of misfits and outcasts, much like herself, and they welcomed her with open arms. They introduced her to drugs, alcohol, and smoking, vices that offered a temporary escape from her harsh reality. Her academic performance, already suffering, took a nosedive. School became a place of torment, a constant reminder of her failures. At the age of 16, Felicity made the decision to drop out of school. It was a drastic step, but in her mind, it was the only way to escape the relentless bullying and academic pressure. This period of Felicity's life was marked by rebellion, anger, and a desperate search for acceptance. The choices she made during these years would have a profound impact on her future, setting her on a path towards darkness and despair.

After dropping out of high school, Felicity's life spiraled further out of control. The streets became her new classroom, a harsh and unforgiving teacher. She became involved in petty crimes, a means to survive in a world that seemed to have turned its back on her. Her group of friends, the same ones who introduced her to drugs and alcohol, began to exploit her. They traded her around for money, pushing her into the world of sex work. It was a degrading and dangerous life, but Felicity felt she had no other options.

By the age of 18 in 2015, Felicity was fully immersed in this dark underworld. Her days were filled with fear and uncertainty, her nights with unspeakable acts. She was a far cry from the innocent child she once was, her dreams of a better life all but forgotten. This marks the end of Felicity's early life history. The experiences she had during these years shaped her into the person she would become, a young woman desperate for power and control, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. Her journey into darkness was just beginning.

Finding Faith

After leaving school and immersing herself in the dark underworld of petty crime and sex work, Felicity's life spiraled further into chaos. She sought solace in the occult, drawn to its promise of power and control. It was a world far removed from the norms of society, a world where she felt she could escape her harsh reality. Her involvement in the occult was intertwined with a growing substance abuse problem. Drugs and alcohol offered a temporary escape from her pain, and she fell deeper into their destructive grip. This, coupled with her dangerous and reckless behavior, led her down a path of self-destruction.

At the age of 21, Felicity hit rock bottom. Her life, already in shambles, fell apart completely. In a rare moment of defiance, she stood up for a friend who was being abused. This act of courage, however, had dire consequences. She was evicted from her home and left for dead on the streets, with nothing to her name. This was the lowest point in Felicity's life. She was alone, homeless, and battling addiction. Her dreams of a better life seemed more distant than ever. But it was in this moment of despair that Felicity realized she needed to make a change. She couldn't continue down this path of self-destruction. She needed help, and she was ready to fight for her life.

Now, on the streets and with nowhere else to turn, Felicity began to use this dark magic to survive. She started small, using her abilities to conjure food. It was a desperate act of survival, a way to stave off the gnawing hunger that was her constant companion. As her confidence in her abilities grew, so did her ambitions. She began to use her magic to acquire money, then lodging. Each successful spell made her bolder, her magic darker. She was no longer just surviving; she was clawing her way out of the pit of despair she had fallen into.

This power came at a price. With each spell she cast, Felicity fell deeper into debt with the dark forces from the Severed Realm. These entities, drawn to her desperation and her growing power, began to grant her more and more power. It was a dangerous game she was playing, a dance with forces beyond her comprehension. Felicity's life had taken a dark turn. She was no longer just a victim of her circumstances; she was actively using dark magic to manipulate her world. Her actions were becoming more dangerous, her magic more potent. She was falling deeper into the darkness, her debt to the Severed Realm growing with each passing day. Yet, in her mind, she had no other choice. The world had turned its back on her, and she was doing what she needed to survive. She was a far cry from the innocent child she once was, her life now intertwined with dark magic and dangerous forces. Her journey into darkness was far from over.

Demonic Power

As the years passed, Felicity's power and influence grew. By 2023, she had become a formidable practitioner of dark magic, using her abilities to exploit those around her. She called upon demonic powers to manipulate her circumstances, securing money and a place to live despite her lack of formal education. She was no longer a victim of her circumstances; she was a force to be reckoned with. Yet, as her external world improved, her internal world became increasingly chaotic. She found herself drawn to the ultra-masculine demonic energies she could summon. These energies, so different from the human world that had rejected her, fascinated her. She began to fantasize about them, offering herself to these entities in exchange for power.

Felicity's relationship with these demonic forces became a twisted form of validation. She saw in them a reflection of the power and control she craved. They were the embodiment of the strength she believed she needed to exact retribution on a world that had wronged her. Her rituals became increasingly dangerous, her spells more potent. She was playing with fire, courting forces that were beyond her control. Yet, she was willing to pay the price, to risk everything for the promise of power and revenge.

Felicity's life had become a dark dance with the demonic. She was a far cry from the innocent child she once was, her life now a testament to her desperation and determination. She had become a pawn in a dangerous game, her every move dictated by her desire for power and retribution. Her journey into darkness was far from over.