Aisling Donovan

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Aisling Donovan
Played by: User:necahual
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 25
Place of Birth: The Republic of Ireland
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Figure: Thin
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Organization: Independant
Occupation: Witch
Setting: Angelic Sins

Wholesome to people she likes, very protective of those few she calls friends. Seeking to free herself of the shackles of her former life and reinvent herself. Still she misses her old life. She is a very happy and joyous person despite how she expresses herself in public. She has an indomitable will.

Special Abilities

  • Oneiromancy:
    • Aisling practices postmodern magic where more powerful spells and magic is derived from the performance of a ritual. In the case of Oneiromancy the more sleep deprived and delirious that she is the more powerful she is. In a tired state she can alter perceptions of others. In an exhausted state she gains the ability to inflict exhaustion upon others and finally in deprivation psychosis she is powerful enough to alter reality to match dreams or nightmares.

Special Skills

  • Basic High School education
  • Basic Knowledge of the Arcane