Midnight Riders

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The Midnight Riders are a loose association of like-minded individuals working freelance throughout known (and at times uncharted) space. The group operates independently or in small cells, all striving towards a common goal. Their core belief revolves around the idea that one can never have too much knowledge. They believe that knowledge leads to strength, and with that strength comes the responsibility to combat corruption both within and outside their ranks. While the group is not widely publicized, it is not a secret either. Due to its decentralized nature, the group remains incredibly resilient to outside influence.

Key Tenets

The following principles are not laws but rather guidelines for the group. Each member is expected to uphold these principles rather than adhere rigidly to their literal interpretation. The aim is for these principles to serve as flexible ideals to aspire towards.

  • Do not judge the weaknesses of others, for none of us are mighty without our own weaknesses.
  • Defend the weak, the poor, and the hopeless, as these actions foster hope and kindness.
  • Value honesty above all else and never betray the trust others place in your word.
  • Seek knowledge, for it brings strength, and share your knowledge openly with all.
  • Stand as a champion of righteousness and goodness, shining the light of knowledge upon the darkness caused by ignorance, injustice, and the lies of evil.
  • Show neither cruelty nor cowardice in your endeavors, and never shy away from a necessary fight.
  • Do not fight for personal gain; instead, fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, without succumbing to vanity, anger, or hate.
  • Never turn away, never turn your back, and never refuse to face the truth.


The group strongly identifies with the traditions of old English knights from the 12th and 13th centuries, as well as the ideals of the Italian Renaissance man from the 14th to 17th centuries and the Greek ideal from ancient Greece. These beliefs emphasize the importance of education not only in the mind but also in spirit and body. Consequently, the symbol of the chess piece "Knight" holds great significance for the group, as do symbols of books, particularly journals with a red bookmark. This symbolism stems from the use of a red ribbon attached to the bindings of many journals, serving as a marker of the writer's last entry.

Additionally, the group commonly associates itself with the Knight playing card from certain decks and the Knight of Swords from various Tarot decks.


Members of the group share certain habits and tendencies. They are typically free-spirited individuals who dislike conforming to the will of others. While many may conform to some extent in their professional lives, it is not uncommon for them to quickly rise to positions of authority and maintain a level of autonomy. Members also believe that leadership involves allowing subordinates to perform their tasks in the manner they see fit, aligning with their philosophy of individual autonomy.

In their pursuit of knowledge, most members keep journals, often opting for paper versions. They also prefer to possess physical books, particularly hardcover editions or collectible copies, amassing extensive personal libraries. Their thirst for knowledge is insatiable. As a group, they appreciate martial arts and hand-to-hand combat as an art form, not solely for self-defense purposes. They delve into the theories and underlying principles behind various techniques.

Above all else, the group holds an unwavering belief in truth.


Beginning in 2334, The Midnight Riders organization originates as a covert operations section within Excalibur Inc., a newly established private company led by Marcus Trent. The company focuses on specialized services such as providing bodyguards, liaisons, and transport protection during an era of relative peace. Despite achieving considerable success, the organization faces some criticism due to the necessity of occasionally employing covert measures. To distinguish its members involved in such missions, they are designated as "Midnight Riders" followed by personal call-names, often abbreviated as "mister" (MR) in communications. Marcus Trent, assuming the designation MR X, retains a fraction of each job's proceeds while investing the rest into the business and establishing valuable contacts.

Then by 2340 Marcus Trent completes the process of separating the Midnight Riders from Excalibur Inc. The organization evolves into a volunteer operative group operating clandestinely. Excalibur Inc. experiences significant growth, amassing substantial influence across multiple industries, political arenas, and research sectors.

During this period, the organization develops its distinct code, culture, and set of values. Members of the Midnight Riders share common characteristics and preferences. They are typically independent and free-spirited individuals who resist conformity to external authority. Although some may conform to certain extents in their professional lives, it is not uncommon for them to ascend quickly to positions of power while maintaining their autonomy. They believe that effective leadership involves granting subordinates the freedom to carry out their tasks in their own way, aligning with their philosophy of individual autonomy.

In their relentless pursuit of knowledge, most members keep journals, often favoring physical paper versions. They have a fondness for collecting physical books, particularly hardcover editions and rare copies, amassing extensive personal libraries. The thirst for knowledge within the group is insatiable. Additionally, they hold a deep appreciation for martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, viewing them not merely as self-defense techniques but as art forms. They delve into the theories and underlying principles that govern these disciplines.

Above all else, the Midnight Riders uphold an unwavering belief in truth. This foundational principle guides their actions and decisions as the organization expands rapidly, with the shared values becoming increasingly vital. By 2340, the group had firmly established these principles, which played a significant role in shaping its growth and development.


Credit for information goes to SaynteSinner on Discord.