Union of the Moon

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The Union of the Moon is a renowned and diverse organization dedicated to the protection, support, and empowerment of supernatural beings, with a particular focus on shifters. Founded in ancient times, the Union has evolved into a global network, fostering unity and kinship among shifters of various races and backgrounds. Guided by their core values of unity, protection, justice, compassion, and self-reliance, the Union stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. Their multifaceted efforts encompass a range of activities, including providing aid to supernaturals in need, offering guidance and resources, advocating for the rights and fair treatment of supernatural beings, and serving as protectors and allies for those facing adversity. With a rich history and a commitment to their mission, the Union of the Moon plays a pivotal role in promoting harmony between supernatural and human worlds while fostering a community where all individuals, regardless of their nature, can live without fear or prejudice.

Core Values

The core values of the Union of the Moon encompass unity, protection, justice, compassion, self-reliance, courage, integrity, respect, giving back, and adaptability. With a focus on fostering a united community of diverse shifters, the Union strives to protect and support all individuals in need, promoting fairness, empathy, and empowerment. Upholding the principles of justice, the Union values integrity, respect, and the spirit of giving back to create a world where shifters and humans coexist harmoniously. Through their adaptability and unwavering commitment to their core values, the Union of the Moon embodies a beacon of unity, resilience, and protection in a rapidly changing world.

The Union emphasizes the strength of unity among diverse shifters, fostering a sense of community, mutual support, and cooperation.
The Union is dedicated to protecting and safeguarding the well-being of shifters and those in need, extending their aid to anyone facing adversity.
The Union upholds the principles of justice, fairness, and equality, working towards a world where all individuals, regardless of their nature, are treated with dignity and respect.
The Union embraces compassion as a guiding principle, showing empathy and understanding towards others, and striving to alleviate suffering and injustice.
The Union encourages self-reliance and empowerment, providing opportunities for personal growth, education, and agency over one's own destiny.
The Union values bravery and courage, both in the face of physical danger and in confronting the challenges and biases that arise in the human world.
The Union holds integrity in high regard, promoting honesty, trustworthiness, and accountability in their actions and interactions.
The Union fosters an atmosphere of respect, treating all individuals, whether shifter or human, with courtesy, dignity, and fairness.
Giving back
The Union is committed to giving back to the community, engaging in acts of service, and becoming reasons for people not to fear shifters, while promoting understanding and acceptance.
The Union recognizes the importance of adaptability and resilience in a changing world, adjusting to new circumstances, and embracing growth and progress.

Image with Community

The Union of the Moon is held in high regard within the community, with a prevailing sense of gratitude and trust towards the organization. The community deeply appreciates the Union's unwavering commitment to protection, support, and advocacy. They see the Union as a dependable source of assistance, valuing the organization's dedication to justice, fairness, and the well-being of supernaturals and those in need. The community members express immense gratitude for the Union's presence and the security it provides, recognizing it as a vital pillar that safeguards their interests.

Furthermore, the community actively supports the Union, understanding its essential role in the supernatural community and the broader society. This support takes the form of financial contributions, awareness spreading, and the provision of resources. The community members firmly believe in the Union's mission and actively lend their support to further its cause. They heavily rely on the Union's guidance and assistance, recognizing it as an indispensable resource in times of trouble or when seeking protection, advice, or support. The Union of the Moon stands as a trusted entity, deeply embedded within the community, and dedicated to the welfare of supernaturals and the overall betterment of the community as a whole.


The membership process of the Union of the Moon is a meticulous journey that begins with the selection of potential members based on factors such as shifter heritage, recommendations, community involvement, and cultural knowledge. Once selected, prospective members are challenged to undertake a series of rigorous trials, including a survival quest, problem-solving challenge, and trial of courage. These trials test their adaptability, critical thinking, collaborative skills, and courage in challenging situations. Successful completion of these trials signifies their readiness to contribute to the Union's mission and solidifies their position as official members. Through this comprehensive process, the Union ensures that their members embody the core values of unity, protection, justice, compassion, and self-reliance, as they work together to safeguard the welfare of supernaturals and extend support to those in need.

Selection Process

The Union of the Moon employs a thorough selection process to identify potential members who align with their core values and contribute positively to their mission. Several factors play a role in this selection, including shifter heritage, recommendation by current members, community involvement, and cultural knowledge. Prospective members are evaluated based on their lineage, demonstrated commitment to supernatural communities, active engagement in support networks, and their understanding of shifter history and folklore. These criteria help the Union identify individuals who have the potential to embody the Union's principles and make meaningful contributions to the group.

Challenges for Membership

The Union of the Moon presents prospective members with three pivotal trials, each designed to assess a diverse range of skills and attributes vital for joining their esteemed ranks. Through the survival quest, problem-solving challenge, and trial of courage, candidates are tested on their ability to adapt to adverse circumstances, think critically and collaboratively, and exhibit unwavering courage in the face of challenges. These trials serve as a proving ground, showcasing the readiness of prospective members to embrace the Union's mission and become integral contributors to their network of protectors and supporters, championing the cause of supernaturals and those in need.

  1. Survival Quest: Prospective members embark on a challenging journey through a wilderness or unfamiliar territory, testing their survival skills, resourcefulness, and ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. They must navigate obstacles, find food and shelter, and overcome physical and mental challenges along the way.
  2. Problem-Solving Challenge: Prospective members are presented with complex puzzles or riddles that require creative thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to work collaboratively with others to find solutions. This trial assesses their ability to think critically, analyze situations, and approach problems from multiple perspectives.
  3. Trial of Courage: Prospective members face a series of tests designed to measure their bravery, resilience, and composure in the face of adversity. These challenges may include facing fears, confronting dangerous situations, or enduring difficult and uncomfortable circumstances. The trial of courage evaluates their ability to maintain composure, make rational decisions under pressure, and push beyond their perceived limits.


The Union of the Moon traces its history back to the early years of civilization, around 2000 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia. What began as a loose association for shifters without a pack grew into a global network of diverse shifters united by their ability to shift forms. As Mesopotamia fell, the Union expanded, with members migrating to Rome, Japan, Central Asia, and Europe. Throughout its history, the Union provided a sense of family and community for shifters, offering support, protection, and opportunities for integration into human society. Over time, the Union's values solidified, incorporating ideals from various eras, including chivalry, the Renaissance, and the pursuit of justice in the modern era. The Union's purpose evolved from solely helping supernaturals to assisting anyone in need, while still prioritizing support for shifters and promoting understanding between supernatural beings and humans. Today, the Union of the Moon stands as a beacon of unity, resilience, and protection, working towards a world where all individuals can live without fear or prejudice.

= Union in Antiquity (20th Century BCE to 5th Century CE)

The nascent Union of the Moon found its roots deeply planted in the fertile soils of ancient Mesopotamia. In a world where the idea of shifters was shrouded in mysticism and fear, the Union served as a haven for those blessed - or perhaps cursed - with this unique ability.

During this early era, the Union was more of a loose association, a network of shifters bound by shared experiences and collective goals. Its membership steadily grew as word spread about this safe harbor among the isolated and distressed shifters. The communication was covert, conveyed through secret symbols and coded messages left in places only a shifter would think to look.

The Union played a pivotal role in keeping shifters safe and ensuring their survival in a world that was often hostile. They provided aid to those in trouble, often staging daring rescues to save shifters who had been captured or cornered. This network was instrumental in offering escape routes and safe houses, allowing shifters to slip away unnoticed and start fresh elsewhere.

Beyond these rescue missions, the Union also helped shifters integrate into human society, finding them employment and opportunities to use their unique abilities in productive ways. It was not uncommon for a Wolf shifter to serve as a guard or a scout, their enhanced senses proving invaluable. Likewise, an Eagle shifter could find work as a messenger, their ability to fly providing an unmatchable speed of delivery.

The Union's priorities were orally passed down from one generation of shifters to the next, a testament to their emphasis on preservation and continuity. Stories of daring rescues, successful integration, and narrow escapes became the legends and lore that shaped the culture of the Union. This oral tradition ensured the survival of their shared history and common values, fostering a sense of unity and kinship among the diverse members of the Union.

In essence, during the period of Antiquity, the Union of the Moon served as a protective shield, a guiding hand, and a nurturing family for the shifters. It navigated the delicate balance between the human world and the mystical realm of the shifters, ensuring the survival and prosperity of this unique group amid the sweeping tides of change. Over the centuries, this association of acquaintances and common purpose matured into an organization that spanned the world, its strength drawn from the unity and resilience of its members.

Union's Expansion and Solidification of Values (6th to 14th Century CE)

The fall of Mesopotamia heralded a period of significant change for the Union of the Moon. As the cradle of civilization succumbed to the sands of time, the shifters found themselves propelled into a world far vaster than they had known. Guided by a primal instinct for survival and unity, they spread across the globe, taking the ideals of the Union with them.

Some migrated west to Rome, a burgeoning empire where they subtly integrated into society, their shapeshifting abilities becoming myths and legends in Roman folklore. Others traveled further east, finding new homes in the mountains of Central Asia and the islands of Japan. Each group of shifters carried with them the seeds of the Union, planting them in foreign soils, and slowly cultivating communities of shifters who clung to the ideals of solidarity, support, and mutual protection.

It was a harsh world for shifters. The laws of man had no provisions for the supernatural, and the rare instances when shifters were recognized, it was only to be persecuted or hunted. More than ever, they needed the Union and its ideals of unity and mutual support.

As the Union's influence spread into Europe through Spain and across the continent, their values began to solidify, taking inspiration from the evolving societal structures around them. The Dark Ages, with its feudal system and the burgeoning concepts of courtly love and chivalry, shaped the Union in profound ways.

Driven by the surrounding ideals of knighthood, the Union adopted a similar code of conduct that fit naturally with their existing principles. Bravery became central to their ethos, not just in the face of physical danger but also when confronting the emotional and social adversities they faced as shifters in a human world. Honor became a pledge to their kind, a vow to always uphold the dignity of their identity and to remain fair in their dealings with each other and the world around them.

The virtue of loyalty, so innate to many of the pack-based shifters, was extended not just to their immediate kin but to the Union as a whole. This collective loyalty, transcending geographical and racial boundaries, strengthened the unity of the Union.

Courtesy, a reflection of the mutual respect they had always nurtured, was now formalized in their interactions. Regardless of the form they took or the region they hailed from, every shifter was to be treated with courtesy, mirroring the respectful interactions of knights.

Lastly, the protection of the weak and vulnerable, a tenet that had always underpinned the Union's existence, took on a more profound significance. As shifters navigated the uncertainties of a world that often misunderstood and feared them, their commitment to safeguard the vulnerable ones among them became a solemn pledge.

Thus, the Union of the Moon, inspired by the chivalric ideals of the medieval world, emerged as an order that represented more than just mutual aid and survival. It became a symbol of hope, unity, and resilience, an organization that championed the noble virtues of bravery, honor, loyalty, courtesy, and protection. These solidified values, passed down through generations, would guide the Union into the future, as they continued to navigate the human world and its ceaseless tide of change.

The Union in the Renaissance (13th to 17th Century)

The Renaissance, a period of intellectual and cultural rebirth, brought winds of change and enlightenment across Europe. During this time, the Union of the Moon found itself at the crossroads of tradition and progress. As old texts on learning, government, philosophy, mathematics, and the sciences were revived, the shifters within the Union recognized the potential for growth and the power of knowledge.

Embracing the Renaissance ideals, the Union sought to incorporate these newfound principles into their existing framework. The shifters understood that education and self-improvement were key to empowering not only themselves but also their fellow shifters and the wider community. They delved into the realms of academia, seeking to understand the world around them and contribute to the advancement of human knowledge.

With this pursuit of knowledge came a deep desire to grant individuals the power to shape their own destinies. The Union believed in the fundamental right of every person, shifter or human, to have agency over their lives. By teaching their own kind and, in time, extending their teachings to others, they aimed to empower individuals to make informed choices, to embrace their unique gifts, and to live a life of purpose.

The foundations were laid for the Union to become a guiding light for shifters, teaching them better ways to navigate the human world. As they absorbed the teachings of the Renaissance, the Union emphasized the importance of harmonious coexistence between shifters and humans. They sought to bridge the gap between these two worlds, promoting understanding, acceptance, and compassion.

One of the most significant shifts during this period was the Union's focus on being protectors, not just of their own kind, but of all people. They recognized that by showcasing their commitment to the well-being of ordinary humans, they could counter the prevailing fear and distrust directed towards shifters. By actively giving back to their communities, whether through acts of heroism or through contributions to art, literature, and science, they aimed to become reasons not to fear shifters.

The Union's role as protectors extended beyond physical security. They also became advocates for justice, fairness, and equality. Drawing inspiration from the Renaissance humanist movement, the Union sought to create a world where all individuals, regardless of their background or supernatural abilities, were treated with dignity and respect.

In essence, the Union of the Moon evolved during the Renaissance into a force for positive change and enlightenment. It incorporated the ideals of the period into its core values, emphasizing the importance of education, personal agency, and the pursuit of knowledge. By giving back and becoming protectors, the Union aimed to dispel fear, foster understanding, and cultivate a society where shifters and humans could coexist harmoniously.

=== The Union in the Modern Era (17th Century to Present) As the world transitioned into the modern era, the Union of the Moon found a new calling in the realm of law enforcement, investigation, and justice. This shift in focus reflected the changing dynamics of society and the Union's growing commitment to protecting not only supernatural beings but also anyone in need of assistance.

Recognizing the importance of upholding the law and ensuring justice, the Union stepped forward to fill the void left by traditional authorities. Shifters within the Union honed their unique abilities to become skilled law enforcement officers, investigators, and protectors of the vulnerable. Their innate senses, adaptability, and unwavering dedication made them formidable in their roles.

While the Union continued to prioritize the support and protection of supernaturals, particularly their fellow shifters, they also extended their aid to anyone facing adversity. This broader mission aligned with their core values of compassion, unity, and the protection of the weak and vulnerable. The Union's work became a beacon of hope, a symbol that supernatural beings could be relied upon for assistance, rather than being feared.

In their pursuit of justice and protection, the Union worked hand in hand with existing legal systems, cooperating with human authorities while also maintaining their autonomy and unique perspective. By blending their supernatural abilities with modern investigative techniques and legal frameworks, they were able to uncover truths, uncover hidden dangers, and bring justice to those who had been wronged.

Furthermore, the Union recognized the importance of fostering understanding and acceptance between supernaturals and humans. They actively engaged in outreach efforts, educating the public about the existence of supernatural beings, dispelling myths, and promoting harmony between the two communities. By building bridges and nurturing empathy, the Union sought to dismantle prejudices and create a world where all individuals, regardless of their nature, could coexist peacefully.

The modern era has seen the Union of the Moon evolve into a comprehensive force for justice, extending its reach beyond supernatural beings to protect and aid anyone in need. Their commitment to law enforcement and investigation has made them indispensable in maintaining societal order, while their unwavering support for supernaturals, especially shifters, continues to strengthen their sense of community and purpose. In the face of evolving challenges, the Union remains steadfast in its mission to protect, serve, and advocate for those who cannot do so for themselves.