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The Brishian society, originating from the Alcor Star System, boasts a rich spiritual life with a pantheon largely inspired by celestial bodies in the night sky. The Brishians named their primary star Zim and its companion, Zimmin, after a father-son duo from their creation mythology. Among the five standard planetary bodies in their system, two are life-supporting. The local lore tells tales of the second planet, known as Vyi, as a seductress who, after giving birth to Zimmin, later married him and mothered the rest of the ancient Brishian pantheon.

Unique Attributes

The Alcor system, intriguingly, was the first in the quadrant to pioneer subspace communication, a feat largely attributed to the close proximity of the quadruple Mizar system. Home to a pacifist society dedicated to science and philosophy, Mizar 2 is part of these gravitationally linked systems. The two systems share a cyclical pattern that, while not an orbit in the conventional sense, exhibits a predictable degree of stellar drift. At their closest, Mizar and Alcor are under a light-year apart, and they never drift more than 1.49 light-years away from each other.

This proximity led to substantial inter-system influences even before formal communication was established. Mizar dispatched several sub-light probes and vessels to Brisha, the first manned ones arriving with deceased crews, leading to long-lasting speculations about Mizar's intentions and the message it was trying to convey to Alcor. This, in turn, sparked a war that raged for over a century, culminating in an attempted takeover of Mizar by Alcor. This conflict laid the foundation for the systems' development path into the 24th century.

Social Development and History

To prevent cultural obliteration, Mizar evolved into a pacifist society, while Brisha focused on material fabrication and other industrial production services. The Brishians, though profit-oriented, have a reputation for conducting business honorably, a trait setting them apart from the Ferengi society. However, their aversion to apologies and similar social niceties, which they perceive as insults, often shocks outsiders. Brutal honesty is the currency of trust in Brishian society, making questions like "How are you?" and "What's going on?" very personal and thus seldom asked. Commerce thrives on negotiation, which often morphs into an exchange of increasingly insulting banter rather than a discussion about the product at hand.

Insults and negotiation tactics are among the rare cultural instances where truth is secondary to social conventions. The only other areas where this applies are courtship and sex. The woman typically signals interest in a man by making a patently false but hard-to-disprove insult about the man's family. If reciprocated, the man replies with a similar insult, adding an equally false but somewhat challenging-to-refute statement about his own family. During sex, the commitment to honesty takes on an even more brutal form, verging on humiliation. However, as with most societies, these are merely traditional norms, not strictly enforced rules.


Marriages are generally love-based, but the negotiation of the legal contract binding the couple mimics commercial transactions. While there is no standard format for marriage contracts, strict adherence is expected, with any breach potentially leading to contract termination. Divorces are rare, typically resulting from contract breaches. The contracts often include clauses detailing dissolution procedures in case of a breach; otherwise, the courts decide how to proceed.


Religiously, the society practices a diverse range of beliefs, most tracing their roots back to ancient texts preserved over centuries. Interpretation and practice differences occasionally lead to disagreements, though these rarely escalate beyond legal disputes over property and burial rights.


A corporate council governs the planet and its territories. Despite occasional criticism from other Federation worlds of alleged corruption, the system functions efficiently within the societal norms. The Brishian society largely accepts and supports the legal framework governing it. Government programs cater to the needy, albeit not always to standards accepted by Earth or other Federation worlds. Medical care and crime protection are also provided through private contracts, with civil sector regulations ensuring fair and balanced social protections.


Economically, the governing council focuses primarily on a few (sometimes just one) large contracts, supplemented by many smaller ones. There is virtually no socialized economic support for those physically able to work. Limited support comes in the form of low-level government jobs in infrastructure support, such as garbage collection, cleaning services, and environmental restoration. These jobs are stigmatized and viewed as less prestigious.

Social Structure

This rapid turnover of infrastructure support jobs represents the largest social disparity. The largest social class comprises middle management, closely followed by lower-paid but socially acceptable private sector jobs. The smallest segments of society are divided by a combination of income level and leisure time—the higher the income and leisure time, the higher the social rank. A ceiling exists just above the middle class, making upward mobility difficult without personal or familial connections. Nonetheless, the Brishians hold a steadfast belief in their ability to climb both the social and economic ladders.