Rebecca (Blazing Umbra Variant)

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 19:02, 22 May 2023 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOAUTOLINKTARGET__ {{Disambiguation Stub|name=Rebecca|type=character}} {{Character Box |image=Rebecca-human-as.jpg |player=Dasfier |name=Rebecca |altname= Becca |race=Possessed Doll |alignment= Chaotic Neutral |gender= Female |height= 5'5" |weight= 125 lbs |haircolor= Red |eyecolor= Amber |age= 25 |dob= April 5, 1996 |birthplace= Chicago |universe= Angelic Sins |figure=Typically looks either like a beautiful redhead with glasses, her shape being easily soft and femini...")
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Rebecca (Blazing Umbra Variant)
Played by: User:Dasfier
Alias: Becca
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Possessed Doll
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 25
Date of Birth: April 5, 1996
Place of Birth: Chicago
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Red
Figure: Typically looks either like a beautiful redhead with glasses, her shape being easily soft and feminine yet fit. Overall non-threatening, in reality she's a porcelain doll of similar materials and dimensions as her twin sister Cylindra. She had a more demonic form which has purple wings, tail and large upward turning purple horns.
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Approved By: User:Cyclops
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Rebecca, Cylindra's sister, has matured and evolved, shedding some of her previous chaotic tendencies while delving deeper into the intricacies of her twisted desires. Though still utterly subservient to her Master, Lance Thomas, her approach to causing pain and havoc has taken on a refined and calculated demeanor. No longer driven solely by amusement, Rebecca's love for inflicting suffering has become an art form, carefully crafted to extract the utmost pleasure from her victims. While her devotion to Lance and Cylindra remains unwavering, she relishes in the sadistic thrill of tormenting others and extracting information through skillful interrogation. When the situation demands it, she eagerly embraces her role as a deadly guardian, executing her duties with unwavering precision. Rebecca's loyalty and devotion are intertwined with a sinister mix of sadistic glee and a matured understanding of her own twisted desires, creating a complex persona that exudes a refined yet deeply unsettling allure.

Special Abilities

  • Magical Abilities
Special affinity to Fire / Blood Magic
  • Shadow Movement
Can move through shadows
  • Shapeshifting (See Special Equipment)
  • Able to Summon 2 Pairs of Additional Floating Arms

Special Skills

  • Domestic / Maid Services
Cooking, Cleaning, etc..
  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Seduction
  • Infiltration

Other Forms

Special Equipment


In the tumultuous year of 2026, Rebecca, alongside her sister Cylindra, was entrusted by Lance Thomas to safeguard and oversee The Vault, a secluded sanctuary away from the impending chaos of the Third World War. For centuries, the sisters endured a solitary existence within its confines, grappling with the relentless isolation that gnawed at their souls. However, Rebecca, more susceptible to the burden of seclusion, occasionally succumbed to the allure of freedom, venturing beyond The Vault's boundaries to partake in thrilling exploits that involved terrorizing unsuspecting individuals across different times and places.

Aware of the imminent destruction that World War 3 could unleash upon them, the sisters were strictly forbidden from returning to Earth, their home. Nevertheless, Rebecca's longing for excitement occasionally eclipsed the cautionary directives they had received.

It was during one such interlude that fate intervened. The reincarnation of Lance Thomas, driven by an inexplicable force, chanced upon the long-forgotten sanctuary and rediscovered the dormant souls of Rebecca and Cylindra. In this serendipitous encounter, their destinies once again became intertwined with their former Master. Rescued from their solitary existence, the sisters now serve Lance in his new incarnation, perpetually bound to his service and willing to carry out his every command.

The history of Rebecca is colored by the juxtaposition of isolation and moments of rebellion, as she sought solace and excitement beyond the confines of The Vault. The reunion with Lance Thomas breathed new life into their existence, intertwining their past with the present, as they resumed their roles as loyal servants in a world that had changed significantly during their extended seclusion.