Winovin Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 01:14, 28 December 2022 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Name: Winovin Winovin de Chou
Type: A5 IV White Subgiant M8 V Red Dwarf
Radius: 1.57 x 106 km (2.25 times Sol) 2.54 x 105 km (0.37 of Sol)
Mass: 4.65 x 1030 kg (2.34 times Sol) 4.54 x 1029 kg (0.23 of Sol)
Temperature: 8700 K 2200 K
Luminosity: 1.00 x 1028 W (26.18 times Sol) 1.08 x 1024 W (< 0.01 of Sol)
Distance: 1.79 x 108 km (1.20 AU)
Ecosphere:Between 3.17 and 8.21 AU
Location: Ataraddon Sector
1.1 ly from the Sotaleko Star System
2.8 ly from the Kneva Sulchin Star System
7.4 ly from the Tau Majestius Sector

Winovin is a binary star system in the Ataraddon sector, the central star is a large white subgiant and the companion star is a small red dwarf star, there are 5 planets in the system and an asteroid belt.

Winovin Prime

Class: D
Distance: 4.63 AU
Period: 6.21 Years
Radius: 1,036.28 km (0.16 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.17 G

Winovin Prime is much smaller than Earth with much lower gravity. While it exists within the ecosphere of the system, it does not have sufficient gravity to retain enough atmosphere for development into a life bearing world. It holds a thin atmosphere of mostly small chain hydrocarbons. The core is composed mostly of iron and silicate. There are pockets of ice on the planet, only about 7% of the surface is frozen water. On the surface there is evidence that an alien civilization may have colonized the world at some point in the past, though there are no active signs of inhabitants of any kind.

Asteroid Belt

Orbiting at a mean distance of 8.01 AU from Winovin with a mean depth of 15,000 km (+/- 450 km). The asteroids themselves are composed mostly of various metallic ores, mostly iron with some magnesium and aluminum.

Winovin 2

Class: P
Distance: 15.46 AU
Period: 37.93 Years
Radius: 7,547 km (1.18 times Earth)
Gravity: 1.20 G

A frozen world well outside the ecosphere of the system. The entire surface is covered in thick ice with a tenuous atmosphere of mostly oxygen and argon. The planet is composed mostly of nickel, iron, and aluminum and has a gravitational pull which retains a thin but distinct atmosphere. Much like it's smaller cousin Winovin Prime, there is evidence that aliens colonized this world at some point, though there are no signs of active habitation.

Winovin 3

Class: C
Distance: 29.08 AU
Period: 97.87 Years
Radius: 3,836.55 km (0.60 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.20 G

This world is mostly composed of ice and frozen hydrocarbons on the surface with anthracite and basalt at the core. There is no atmosphere to speak of and the surface is pitted and cratered from numerous impacts.

Winovin 4

Class: I
Distance: 58.41 AU
Period: 278.53 Years
Radius: 22,779.48 km
Gravity: 1.37 G

A typical ice world in composition; small rocky core covered in layers of methane, ammonia, and ice. The thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium is prone to ionizing electrical storms throughout which are so large they can be seen from space.

Winovin 5

Class: I
Distance: 110.84 AU
Period: Unknown
Radius: 32,841.90 km
Gravity: 1.91 G

The largest plane tin the system, atmosphere composed of hydrogen and helium at high altitudes with short-chain hydrocarbons at lower altitudes. Surface pressure higher than average for a Class I world and an unusually large core composed mostly of iron and magnesium. The surface contains very little actual water but high pressure and low temperature combine to give the surface seas of liquid methane.