Kingdom of Neskar

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Revision as of 22:59, 29 July 2022 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Kingdom of Neskar is situated in the south-east region of Elder Soteria. Most of its lands are lush and green, though also hot and humid. In the west of the kingdom lies the Duskmoor Fen, an area of rich grasslands bordered by the Hata Jungle. The Pandy River runs from the Whine Sea up through the center of the kingdom through the Bonourd Desert. To the north of the desert are the Toni and Cronemoor Rivers and the farthest south reaches of the Prisca Woods. To th...")
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The Kingdom of Neskar is situated in the south-east region of Elder Soteria. Most of its lands are lush and green, though also hot and humid. In the west of the kingdom lies the Duskmoor Fen, an area of rich grasslands bordered by the Hata Jungle. The Pandy River runs from the Whine Sea up through the center of the kingdom through the Bonourd Desert. To the north of the desert are the Toni and Cronemoor Rivers and the farthest south reaches of the Prisca Woods. To the east there is the Sadir Desert and to the south an archipelago containing a mix of jungle and grasslands, though there are forests farther to the south. The capitol is at the Hawe Tower between the Bonourd and Sadir Deserts.


The government of Neskar is a monarchy which rules with absolute authority. Though trade negotiations must be approved by the King or Queen, there is a Council of Trade which is formed of high performing merchants as chosen by the King and Queen.


The economy of Neskar is rooted in the Council of Trade, made up of the 5 most powerful merchants in the kingdom. These 5 merchants are chosen by the King and Queen to serve on the council and negotiate all trade deals; they must also approve all economic activities within the kingdom itself.


The kingdom has a rich export in tropical plants that flourish in the hot and humid climate. Though there are a number of more temperate areas, the crops grown in these areas usually stay within the kingdom.

  • Tobacco
  • Sugar Cane
  • Cotton
  • Bamboo
  • Rice


While rich in many varieties of plants, Neskar is poor in metals and other essential building materials.

  • Iron
  • Nickel
  • Copper
  • Hard Woods (Oak, Maple, Cherry, and Cedar)
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Oats


Most of the industry is based around the production of foodstuffs. They have a rich agricultural center and are expert farmers for those crops. They are also talented artisans, producing a great variety of artwork, particularly made out of bamboo and glass. Although pottery is also produced, it is not as well known nor is it distributed widely outside of Neskar. They are also known for their production of textile pigments and paints, usually derived from unique sources found in the marshes to the south.


There is a strong culture within Neskar that palms must be greased, that is to say the bribes are very common and thought of as just the price of doing business. The populace knows that the King and Queen appoint mostly family members or those they need as strong allies to the Council of Trade which gives them immense power. Money is the all powerful show of wealth and social currency to prove status. Status alone, that is to say simply showing a wealthy lifestyle alone, is not enough. To be successful in life one must have money to spend and the ability to to negotiate trade deals. Owning a business is considered a brave venture and a successful business is a symbol of wealth and power. There is a glass ceiling which separates those who own businesses from those who do not, even if they work very closely with the owners of a business no one is seen as truly successful if they do not own a business which makes money.

Marriage and Family

If business is seen as a sign of success then family connections are seen as the fuel which gets one there. The struggle for success is difficult, if not impossible, without family connections. The family itself is generational, with 2-3 generations living together in the same home. Inside the home, the family is strongly matriarchal with the eldest woman in the family making all the decisions for issues within the home. This includes (but is not limited to) choices about sleeping arrangements, meals, division or labor, and child rearing. External aspects of the home, such as business decisions, are controlled by the eldest male in the family.

All of the stages of life are seen as reasons to celebrate, birth, marriage, and death are cornerstones of these celebrations. Time is often measured as centered around one of these three occurrences. Celebrations are extravagant affairs where a person’s money and power are to be measured by the lavish banquets and ceremonies performed by all those involved. All celebrations are also seen as reasons to give (and expect) gifts. In some of the more wealthy circles, a celebration can take days with opulent displays on each given day.


Marriages are seen as a business deal to bind together two families. Love is seldom involved, or if it is involved at all it is seen as a bonus and not a true goal. Those seeking love over the business of marriage are seen as naive or overly simple. Such deals are planned for years, with the matriarch of the family doing much of the work in childhood to train, discipline, and prepare a child to accept an arranged marriage for which the family’s future may depend. The patriarch of the family decides whose family they will court or make any agreements with while the matriarchs of each family are allowed to plan together how they will prepare the children for eventual marriage.

The contracts of marriage can become very complex, while it is traditional that a male leaves the house he was raised in to become part of the family he is marrying into, it is not set in stone. The marriage contract specifies all aspects of the newly formed family unit. While rare it is also conceivable that a new family unit will be started entirely, with the young couple starting a new home both leaders of their own family. This is seen at the same time silly while also brave, depending on one's point of view.

Child Rearing

Children are raised by the women in the house, led by the eldest woman in the family. Until a child reaches adulthood, they are within the domain of inside the home. The eldest woman will decide all aspects of the child’s life, though she may accept input from anyone (including a male in the family) she does not have to. Parenting is supposed to be a partnership between the business oriented eldest male and the leadership of the eldest woman. Many aspects of child rearing can become quickly complicated if conflicts arise between the matriarch and patriarch of the family. Only the matriarch has the discretion to decide where and what a child will be taught but only the patriarch can decide where and when to include the child in business transactions once they become an adult.


While the death of a loved one is always mourned, it is also seen as a time of renewal. Where one generation slips away and the next is allowed to take charge and flourish. Funerals take on the form of a memorial to the departed, going over their accomplishments in life, but also attending to the ascension of the next in line to head the family. It is often traditional for the opposing family elder (matriarch or patriarch) who shares a generation with the one who has passed to willingly give up their position of power so control of the household can pass from one generation to the next smoothly. This does not always happen, however.

Other deaths in the family are seen as bad omens, a child being the worst of all bad omens. Such deaths are feared by others, making future business deals and even friendships difficult to maintain and cultivate.

If a family is left without a matriarch or patriarch to lead a family, they must rely on the families they are most closely associated with. Often fast and sometimes very forced marriages take place in order to ensure that a family has the leadership needed to proceed. It is also not uncommon for a young child to be appointed as the head of a household in some way or another, though most often a member of another family takes stewardship of the inherited duties until the child is of age. This is also seen as a very bad omen, making it pivotal that not only does a family have a male but also a female heir to pass control of the family to.

General Roles

Gender roles are incredibly strict within the Neskar society. Women are seen as out of place within a business dealing, though this does not translate to women being seen as inferior. Men are seen to not belong in the position of raising children and it is widely recognized this is a difficult task, it is believed only a woman is up to that task. There is a strong current of difference but comparable to the roles of men and women. It is well known that a fighting family is one which will not see success.

Justice and Law

Within Neskar the royal family is above reproach from all but the King. Even the Queen may be accused of wrongdoing by the King, though the reverse is also true. Though no one but the King and Queen may accuse anyone of the royal family of wrongdoing. The royal family is administered solely by the King and Queen.

Business conflicts are entirely judged by the Council of Trade. These 5 merchants decide all disputes which involve businesses and cannot be resolved otherwise. It is seen as an incredible gamble for most anyone to put an issue before the council to be decided, for it is known that they have their own machinations and will use those under them to achieve their goals. No one wants to be a pawn in someone else’s plans.

Personal disputes are decided in a court of law, the court is governed by 15 jurors appointed by the King and Queen to the Council of Law. This council administers the laws of the Council of Trade and the royal family. Once the Council of Law has decided a case, there is no appeal and their decisions are final.

The local peace is kept by the Consibles Guild, officers of the law chosen by the Council of Law to keep the peace and enforce the laws across the land. Each city and town has at least one Constable who embodies the law itself in a given area. Constables can be incredibly fair and kind but they do not have to be, they can also be cruel and use people to enhance their own careers or business dealings.