George Polaski

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George Polaski
Played by: Bucket
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 209lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 25
Date of Birth: October 7th
Place of Birth: Harvest
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Figure: Muscular
Universe of Origin: Halo
Occupation: Orbital Drop Shock Trooper
Rank / Skill Level: Sergeant
Status: Abandoned
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Cynical, lighthearted, and probably eating a granola bar 99% of the time he is off duty.

Special Skills

He’s a good shot, decent at fist fighting and whatnot.


He was born on the doomed agricultural world of Harvest, in the capital city, in the year 2515. He was raised by two loving parents, and lived a generally normal childhood until 2525. He was 10 when a Covenant CSD Corvette exited slipspace over the planet. This was the first humanity had ever seen of the aliens, and they attempted to make peaceful contact. This ended horribly, and the Covenant-- as all sci fi aliens do after not understanding English-- began destroying the planet. Everyone was evacuated to the capital, it became a city of refugees telling tales of large, hairy creatures firing otherworldly weapons. George was, reasonably terrified. His parents did his best to keep most of the news away from him, but the “Brutes” as they had come to be called, were coming for the city. And everyone knew it. Luckily, the planet had Staff Sergeant Avery Johnson in charge of defending the planet, and he-- as most main characters do-- had a bold and just-stupid-enough-to-work plan. This plan entailed loading everyone in the cargo pods that carried food from Harvest up to the Tiara: a ring station around the world that managed shipping. They stalled the Brutes outside of the city, crippled their ship with the ground based MAC driver, and began to enact their plan. By the time they made it out of range, only 10,000 civilians and 6 Marines escaped.

Fast forward 10 years, Private Polaski, age 20, was a battle hardened veteran in the Marine Corps. He had served for two years, and had his fair share of close calls. Around the time of the battle of Epsilon Eridanis IV, George was promoted to Sergeant and offered a chance to join the 66th ODST Division. He accepted, and underwent the training. He served for five years before he splices in, it’s the year 2540.