Template:Planet Data

Template page
Revision as of 21:07, 4 June 2022 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
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Class: Unknown
Distance: Unknown
Period: Unknown
Radius: Unknown
Gravity: Unknown


Any value not given will default to unknown, except the name which if specified will be a header but if not present the header will be omitted. For planetary classes see the Planet Classification page.

Template is used as follows:

{{Planet Data
|name=     Planet Name
|class=    Planet Class
|distance= Distance from Star (i.e. 1 AU for Earth) 
|period=   Orbital Period (i.e. time for 1 revolution)
|radius=   Radius of Planetary Body (i.e. how big the planet is)
|gravity=  Gravitational Pull (Gravitational pull of the planet in G's at the surface)

The parameter class can also be replaced with type, as they likely refer to the same thing, though if the class parameter is used, it will override the type parameter.


The following code is for Earth:

{{Planet Data
|distance=1 AU
|period=365.25 Days
|radius=6563 km
|gravity=1 G

This code creates:


Class: M
Distance: 1 AU
Period: 365.25 Days
Radius: 6563 km
Gravity: 1 G