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The Kelthubilaz is commonly called a ghost child or demon child in folklore. They are created by a Sayksumarahw successfully mating with a human. Often seen as aberrations of a dead or ghostly child, they are neither. They are born without physical form, existing between the material plane and the dark aether. They exist with incredible amounts of malice toward the living mortals and attach themselves to the maternal line of the mortal which helped create them.


The Kelthubilaz exists as a perpetual, malevolent, and eternally bored child. They will manipulate and influence mortals around them to satisfy their boredom. A Kelthubilaz is an agent of chaotic malice, childish style pranks that often have dire consequences. They attach themselves to the maternal family line passed from mother to daughter mostly but if no daughter is born they will transfer themselves to a son. They feed off of the chaos they create, though it is almost always focused on manipulating the life of a woman to reap the chaos they sew and particularly focused on the relationships of the family between mother and child / father.

The Kelthubilaz is passed from mother to child when the child begins to reach maturity. Sometimes a child will be able to see or hear the Kelthubilaz in some way when very young. The Kelthubilaz will often become a kind of evil imaginary friend manipulating the child to feed into the chaos they cause in the mother's life. A Kelthubilaz will often be relatively dormant until a young women either becomes pregnant or has a child herself. At which time they will begin to feed on chaos they cause with increasingly strange and bizarre occurrences they orchestrate.

Attachment to Mortals

These entities are nearly always focused entirely on the maternal line in a family, even if they were sired by a human male. They will become attached to a male if that is all that is available but they can also attach themselves to women not blood related to their own family line if forced to. Since they prefer to attach to women, a young man with a Kelthubilaz attached to him may very well pass the entity off to a spouse, especially if that spouse has children.

Jealous Nature

A Kelthubilaz is jealous by its very nature and will see most women as a threat. As such they will attack, trick, or otherwise attempt to rid themselves of any woman encroaching on their space. To do this they will employ manipulations and illusions to sully the relationship an encroaching woman has with the home and particularly the person they are attached to.

Life Cycle

Since a Kelthubilaz is not a true demon, they can be killed if forced to manifest physically and prevented from freeing themselves into the natural non-corporeal state. Once physical they are as vulnerable as any child to attack but will wield their demonic powers to protect themselves. They cannot be typically banished but can be tricked into leaving the material plane into the dark aether, where they cannot return from.

A Kelthubilaz cannot reproduce in any way. They lack the focus & power to manifest long enough to impregnate a mortal or carry a mortal offspring to term. They also cannot reproduce with each other.


As demonic manifestations they channel and use demonic energies, though they lack skill and focus to learn to use most of these abilities to the extend of some of their demonic cousins. They quickly become masters of illusion though, used to manipulate mortals.

A Kelthubilaz can manifest itself physically for brief periods of time, usually as a child, but not always. No more than 3-4 hours at a time before they must rest.