Typha Keane

From Solas Tempus DB
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Typha Keane
Typha Keane
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 109 lbs
Race: Water Elemental
Age: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Oceans of Soteria
Eye Color: Luminescent Cyan Blue
Hair Color: Sky Bblue
Figure: Lithe body with a graceful flowing way about her and gently glowing eyes.
Status: NPC
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Typha is a loving sort and a free spirit. She genuinely likes people and will go out of her way to experience new things. She is spontaneous and has an abstract and artistic intellect, seeing the world in a unique way. She has not always had good times though, her outgoing nature clashes with the more subdued and patient natures of most of her sisters in the sea. She has learned to be intimidating and has developed a dry sense of humor. She has some deep seated insecurities and is often critical of herself, leading her to be a bit controlling with others as she never really feels that in control of her own life. She's a thrill-seeker and utterly unsentimental, she doesn't collect keepsakes or other mementoes of good times, rather she revisits the past in her mind when she wants to step out of herself for a bit. She can also be a bit of a pessimist, often hiding her feelings that things will not end will with her humor. When faced with a serious situation, she can be a bit avoidant and tends to act like even serious things are jokes at times when she's under stress.

Special Abilities

As a water elemental, Typha is able to control and direct the very nature of water itself. She is a manifestation of the sea, made of sea water.

  • Control Elemental Force of Water
  • Shapeshifting
  • Liquify
She can temporarily transform objects within her into liquid and carry them with her. This is not a destructive ability and only lasts while the object is inside her.
  • Water Teleportation
She can teleport through water instantly.
  • Mist
She can transform herself into a dense fog or mist and move at high speed through the air.
  • Commune with Sea Life
She is able to communicate fluently with all life in the sea.
  • Purify
She is able to remove contaminants from water, with effort.

Elemental Power

Her powers come from the sea, the water. If she overexerts herself she must return to the water, not just become water but actually return to a body of water to recharge and restore herself. The open ocean is best but a natural pond or lake will also do. She can regenerate from a pool or artificial body of water, but only if the water is either pure or salty. Chlorinated or otherwise contaminated water tastes bad to her and she doesn't like to interact with it and her strength is greatly diminished if she needs to take in such tainted water and transmute it before it is purified. A body of water does not have to be on Earth to be useful, but the more natural and teeming with life it is, the more she can draw off of it.


She can take a variety of forms by shaping her water, including humanoid and several forms between sea water and a solid person. Not only can she shape herself as water but she can become flesh and blood, a replica of a human or even an animal, though it takes far more energy to do so. When becoming flesh and blood she can only do so for so long before she must revert back to her natural state. She can spend between 18 and 24 hours before she must return to her liquid state.

Special Skills

  • Expert Swimmer
  • Expert on all Sea Life on Soteria
  • Innately Understand the Purity and Health of the Sea

Special Equipment

Elemental Focus

When in human form she wears this simple pendant. The pendant is a focus for her elemental power, as a solid being it allows her to still access her abilities without reverting to her natural water state. Even if removed it will not grant the abilities to someone else, but rather will return to her when she summons it. The center of the ring will glow deep blue when she uses her powers in human form.


Typha was always the story to go rushing in where angels fear to tread. Her earliest memories are of streaming across the sea as fast as she could and inland to the rivers and lakes to see the world above the waves. She explored ceaselessly, though this did not always settle well with many of her sisters who stayed to the ocean and did not bother with issues above the waves. It was somewhat taboo to venture forth into those areas, as other elementals already were entrusted with such domains. Certainly air and earth elementals began to take issues with her flirting around at the edges of their worlds.

Still, she was without worry. When she saw many mortals on the shores of a nearby island running about terrified, she stepped out of the sea to find out why. They were afraid of a hurricane, but she did not fully comprehend until one of the older humans explained it to her. She realized how frail the human existence was. She went below the waves, promising to bring her sisters to help. Surely they would help? With so many lives at stake?

They did not help. In fact she was chastised heavily and told to not interfere. She interfered and tried to hold away the hurricane herself, she lacked the power. The air elementals banded together to stop her, for it was they that were tasked with creating such events. She watched as most of the humans died in the storm, she was bereft and found that many of her sisters would not even speak to her.

She wandered the seas alone for a time, venturing under the ice and in the rivers and lakes of the land. She made some friends, a misfit cast of others who were also different. Still the memories of the storm, feeling hopeless, and when her sisters first cast her out haunt her to this day. She blames herself for not having been able to do more. Though as the centuries have passed since then, she has found some acceptance within the group again, though many of her sisters still turn her away there are also many who do not and have welcomed her back into the fold.