Hyperspace-Warp Treaty

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This treaty is agreed to as a basic first-step before allowing trade or other relations with any other world, by all known governments. The treaty outlines that interstellar travel is a fundamental right of any race and thus it follows that no race has the right to infringe on the ability to travel through space of another race. While the treaty covers warp travel, it is mostly aimed at protecting the network of Hyperspace Jump Gates which allow free travel between regions of space.

Per the terms of the treaty no Jump Gate may not be damaged or destroyed through overt or covert action without the approval of the race which owns / maintains that gate. Any such act is considered a war crime. Similarly warp travel is protected by prohibiting the use of weapons which are designed to render an area of space impassable by warp capable vessels.

Since interstellar distances at sub-light speeds become impractical, any government or private entity preventing another from using superluminal travel is effectively cutting off such a world from the economic and cultural resources to prosper and flourish. This treaty also covers the Omega Particle and bans experimentation with Omega as well as any other similar substance for the purposes of warfare.

The treaty has not been broken since its inception and predates the United Federation of Planets.