Durtaria Halo Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 22:48, 8 January 2022 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Name: Durtaria Halo
Type: A9IV White Subgiant M4V Red Dwarf
Radius: 1.79 x 106 km (2.58 times Sol) 2.95 x 105 km (0.42 of Sol)
Mass: 6.96 x 1030 kg (3.50 times Sol) 7.07 x 1029 kg (0.36 of sol)
Temperature: 7500 K 2800 K
Luminosity: 7.24 x 1027 W (18.92 times Sol) 3.80 x 1024 W (0.01 of sol)
Distance: 1.06 AU
Ecosphere:Between 3.0 and 6.7 AU
Location: Nibara Sector
17.2 ly from the Beeria Sector‎

This binary star system on the edge of the Nibara Sector. Eventually when Durtaria collapses into a wife dwarf, it will draw the hydrogen from its companion star and nova in several billion years. The star system has been charted but is unexplored, having a single planet in the system.

Durtaria Prime

Class: L5
Distance: 4.6 AU
Period: 5.02 Years
Radius: 1,507.30 km (0.24 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.27 G

A rare example of a world with marginal habitability. The surface has an extremely dense core with heavy deposits of iridium and platinum but is mostly iron. The high magnetic field created coupled with the unusually dense core have combined to allow this world to retain vast oceans over 50% of its surface with 30% existing as ice mostly at the poles. The atmosphere is a breathable oxygen-argon mixture with trace amounts of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Prokaryotic microbes have naturally evolved in the oceans, which could one day lead the further elevation of life. It is unlikely this planet could ever evolve complex animal life, though very likely it will eventually develop simple vegetation.