Template:Binary Star Data

Template page
Revision as of 06:18, 30 December 2021 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Name: Unknown Unknown
Type: Unknown Unknown
Radius: Unknown Unknown
Mass: Unknown Unknown
Temperature: Unknown Unknown
Luminosity: Unknown Unknown
Distance: Unknown
Location: Unknown


Any value not given will default to unknown. Since this is for a binary star system, there will be 2 of each field present.

Template is used as follows:

{{Star Data
|namea=    Name of Main Star
|nameb=    Name of Companion Star
|typea=    Type of Main Star (Spectral Class / Type)
|typeb=    Type of Companion Star (Spectral Class / Type)
|radiusa=  Radius / Size of Main Star
|radiusb=  Radius / Size of Companion Star
|massa=    Mass of the Main Star
|massb=    Mass of the Companion Star
|tempa=    Temperature of the Main Star
|tempb=    Temperature of the Companion Star
|luma=     Luminosity of the Main Star
|lumb=     Luminosity of the Companion Star
|distance= Distance between the Stars
|loc=      Location of the Star / Star System


The following code is for an example star:

{{Binary Star Data
|typea=M1V Red Dwarf
|typeb=M2V Red Dwarf
|radiusa={{Exp|2.98|5}} (0.43 of Sol)
|radiusb={{Exp|2.71|5}} (0.39 of Sol)
|massa={{Exp|7.29|29}} kg (0.37 of Sol)
|massb={{Exp|5.49|29}} kg (0.28 of Sol)
|tempa=3200 K
|tempb=3000 K
|luma={{Exp|6.61|24}} (0.02 of Sol)
|lumb={{Exp|4.23|24}} (0.01 of Sol)
|distance={{Exp|3.04|7}} km (0.20 AU)
|loc=Alpha Valerian Sector<br>3 ly from the Theta Boromir System<br>7 ly from the Omega Aquarius Sector

This code creates:

Name: Vularan Delule
Type: M1V Red Dwarf M2V Red Dwarf
Radius: 2.98 x 105 (0.43 of Sol) 2.71 x 105 (0.39 of Sol)
Mass: 7.29 x 1029 kg (0.37 of Sol) 5.49 x 1029 kg (0.28 of Sol)
Temperature: 3200 K 3000 K
Luminosity: 6.61 x 1024 (0.02 of Sol) 4.23 x 1024 (0.01 of Sol)
Distance: 3.04 x 107 km (0.20 AU)
Location: Alpha Valerian Sector
3 ly from the Theta Boromir System
7 ly from the Omega Aquarius Sector