Arnold Faust

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Arnold "Asher" Faust
Captain / Temporal Operative
Solas Tempus
Blue Team
April 27th, 2345 on Markab Prime
Temporal Investigations, Commanding the Continuum (RTS-2895-C)

While his looks portray him as some kind of emo goth boy from the 20th century he is far from it. This is a serious temporal operative who has spent the last 6 years in the field doing investigations. While his stylistic choices to this day reflect the 2 years he spend undercover in 1999 he is still a serious operative who commands respect from his peers. He favors the dark and sometimes even sinister aspects of life, from books and music to following news and history with a similar kind of flavor. He appreciates the beauty of the macabre and has an affinity for it in his life.


On the 1999 mission he was tasked with ensuring that a series of apartment bombings actually continued to take place in Russia in September of 1999. The bombings killed almost 300 people between September 9th and 13th. The event was categorized as a no-win-situation where the actions had to happen to preserve the timeline but 4 different operatives had serious mental issues related to helping the events occur. Asher himself was not one of them but this is possibly related to the individual events that lead to his success during the operation.

During the operation he met and was assisted by a woman native to the timeline named Eva Teplov whom was destined to die in the 2nd attack. During the events leading to the 2nd attack it was clear that Asher himself would need to kill her and place her body, appropriately burned, within the explosive area where historical records would have found her. In a stunning decision by his commanding officer he was allowed to explain the situation in full to the woman and allow her to choose her fate. She chose life and assisted the operation to a stunning success preserving the timeline, even though her friends had already died in the first explosion.

His current assignment is investigating temporal anomalies while Eva is educated in the modern day. This decision also marked the first actual enforcement of newly created general orders regarding such a situation. The oversight council ruled in favor of the Eva's displacement in time which surprised many who considered the council to be a mere way for operatives to be then forced to go back on decisions to save one or two people who would have otherwise died.

The events in September of 1999 did cause his a good deal of psychological grief and other than altering his appearance and taking on a more 20th century gothic look he also tends to view the world in a "dark is beauty" sort of way - this viewpoint dominates both his understanding and interactions with the world around him. This does perplex other humans at times who, in a Federation dominated universe tend to not understand such a mindset. Other races such as Bajorans, Romulans, Cardassians, and even Vulcans tend to understand his point of view.