
From Solas Tempus DB
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Engineered Human
Mecha pilot
Galactic Alliance of Humankind
Temporal Origin
Date of Birth
Unknown (Age: 19)










Engineered abilities


K8352 “Scythe”

K8352 “Scythe”

Kana’s machine calibre K8352 “Scythe” serves as not only her primary weapon and her preferred mode of transport, but also as a safe haven and confidante.

Relationship with Kana

Although a machine calibre pilot support system is not strictly sentient, and its intelligence, comprehension, and motivations are limited to its designed purpose of keeping pilots’ combat potential at maximum for the evolution wars, Scythe is the only “person” who fully makes sense to Kana in the strange new universe she finds herself in.

Kana has, perhaps, an unhealthy attachment to the AI, preferring its company over most everyone else. She spends almost all of her time in the hangar bay Scythe is stored in, and even on the rare occasions that she leaves Scythe’s side, she continues to talk with the AI via her communications link, and rarely talks to anyone else. Had it not been for Sal D’Amico forbidding it, she would probably even sleep in Scythe’s cockpit, and with the machine calibre being able to support its pilot for over a decade without resupply, it is possible that she might have chosen to live in the cockpit full-time, almost never leaving.

Ironically, it is Scythe that most strongly encourages Kana to interact with other people. Kana’s current situation is far outside of a pilot support system’s pre-programmed parameters, forcing Scythe to reinterpret its understanding of what is “best” for Kana. It has come to the conclusion that since there is no way for Kana to return to the evolution war, she has lost her primary purpose for living. Thus, integration into the local culture, and finding a new purpose for herself there, is what would be “best” for Kana. Despite Kana’s reluctance to engage with the strange new universe, she trusts her support system’s guidance so much that she tries to find ways to fit in, often awkwardly.

Practical use

While Kana may appear awkward and out-of-place while wandering around the station outside of her mecha, once she gets into the machine calibre and takes it out for a flight, things change drastically.

Kana’s control of the mecha is superb – far beyond the expectations of people who haven’t literally grown up piloting a vehicle. Even though Scythe’s technology is centuries behind that of her contemporaries on the station, through sheer piloting skill Kana can often evenly match them in combat.

The primary way that Kana contributes to the station and its society is by doing exterior construction, repair, or other work in Scythe, or by using Scythe to do heavy lifting indoors. Despite the machine calibre’s size, under Kana’s skilled control it can do delicate work very rapidly.



