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Template:Person Stats

Enoch found himself in the modern world, in a plush hotel, without any memory of how he got there or not. HIs only possessions were a signet ring with the symbol of a spear over a shield and three vials full of flakes of various metals suspended in water.


Enoch is a quiet young man, a thinker, preparer, with just a hint of self consciousness to him. Deep down inside he is a crusader, if someone touches his heart they will find him a strong ally with ferocious loyalty, though some people are turned off by how slow he is to anger.


Enoch has no memory of his past, though he has flashes that come at him when he uses his abilities. Other things can also trigger feelings and thoughts that come at him disconnect, often in reverse or otherwise out of any reasonable order.

Sometimes in his dreams he can remember someone, talking about not letting the voices of others convince you to do things that you know are wrong. Always, however, there is a flash of a kind, thin face, with grey hair telling him that is especially true if you're the only one who can hear it. It is like a joke but he has on idea why or what it means just that it makes him laugh in the dream.

In the early morning hours when he is just about to wake up, he can also sometimes remember the face of a kind woman looking down at him. He wants desperately to believe that is his mother, but he doesn't know if that is true.


There are things that Enoch says at times, off the cuff, which he has little explanation as to why or what they mean other than a general impression.

By the grace of Sazed.
He says this when something horrible happens, he knows that Sazed is a religious figure similar to the Christian God.
The Survivor is watching.
This is something to fear, and can be said either in jest or in a serious way. When said in a serious way it is usually to do with cheating someone or planning to step on someone lower than yourself to get ahead, as a reason to not do such. Other times, when said in an amusing or joking way it is about a Robin Hood like feeling, taking from the rich to give to the poor.


Enoch is a Mistborn Allomancer as well as a Feruchemist, which makes him a Twinborn. He is skilled at both, but more skilled at being a Mistborn by far, his specialty is in the use of Tin and Pewter. Often when he uses Tin, however, keeping it on a low burn for too long he'll get flashes of a man, telling him a story about someone. He can't ever remember the man's name who is telling him nor does he remember who it is about but he knows it is about someone very important to him. This makes it difficult to use the metal in that way, even though he is very attuned to such use.

For specifics on these abilities see Metallic Arts.

Innate Use

His abilities come to him like instinct, though he has learned a lot about them. He no longer uses his abilities without meaning to, unless he is to the point of some emotional break. He cannot always explain why or how he does what he does, however. To him it makes sense but articulating such is always very difficult.


Enoch is a religious man, though he has difficulty articulating into words what he believes since he doesn't remember specific things. Mostly, however, what he believes seems to focus on a balance between two forces Preservation and Ruin and somehow a God-like figure, Sazed is the master of both but at the same time almost like a person as well. He doesn't remember a lot except that there was a Final Ascension which started a New Empire which healed the world by using the two forces as one, under the guidance of the scholarly figure known as Sazed.