Atlas Class Starship

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Revision as of 21:35, 7 March 2021 by Ks0908 (talk | contribs)

Atlas class is a designated carrier vessel designed to haul a large amount of fighters with fleet. to archive that an older constitution class hull design was connected with designs of Star Wars and a few other designing what ultimately became flying hangar bay. with 2 hangars on each side, one 3-exit in saucer cut-in one rear and 2 frontal this ship is capable of launching it fighter compliment in short amount of time. Saucer hangar thanks to its placement allows fighters to be covered from first strikes as they go into combat. The most noticeable hull change from Consitution is that saucer connection is fully integrated into engineering hull as one without main shaft sticking out thinly. all hangar bays are equipped with blast door allowing to close them if the need arises. apart from hangars, fighters are stored in few storage bays with only part of them in combat readiness, hangars are connected to storage rooms with elevator system allowing to move ships between them rather fast.

1000 x 600 x 250 meters
Crew Capacity
500 standard crewman
150 additional security personel
Power Source
Matter / Antimatter Reactor (2)
Impulse Reactors (2)
Warp Drive
Impulse Drive
Cruising Speed
Warp 8
Max Speed
Warp 8.5
Emergency Speed
Warp 9.5 for 12 Hours

Offensive Systems

  • 8 phaser arrays (2 front, 2 back, mirrored on bottom)
  • 3 topedo launchers (2 front, 1 back)

Defensive Systems

  • Deflector Shields

Auxiliary Craft

  • 5 wings (198 crafts per wing): 2 Interceptor, 1 Bomber, 2 Fighter. approximately 990 crafts in total
  • 150 auxiliary non combat crafts (shuttles, workbees, runabouts)

Specific classes of small craft may vary between vessels.

Air Control Crew

Because of being designated carrier and of pure amount of small crafts it can field additional department head (Small Crafts Commander) was chosen to command small craft detachments and crews on deck. his direct subordinates are:

  • Air/Space Trafic Controler (ASTC)
  • Deck Crew Controler (DCC)
  • Fighter Wing Tactical Officer

ASTC, as name suggests is an officer who handles landing and take-off tasks from hangars, he has local controllers in each hangar as his subordinates

Deck Crew Controler has additional officers that command respective departments:

  • Yellow Team officers and crewman - They handle crafts on deck, directing them to respective landing areas and elevators
  • Purple Team officers and crewman - Handle maintenance of crafts and refuel them when needed
  • Cyan Team officers and crewman - Handle ordnance, EOD, firefighting and Crash/salvage operations
  • Black Team crewman - Plane inspectors, giving confirmation of craft being spaceworthy before it takes off (skipped if take-off is in an emergency)

You can determine team crewman is in by the colour of his high-visibility vest

Fighter Wing Tactical officer has direct command over fighters, While captain can still give them orders directly this additional tactical officer is meant to allow him to focus on ship, while he or she handles deployed crafts

Carrier Operations

On the main bridge, build similar to NX class. carrier operations are handled in the rear side using a dedicated console setup. It allows to stay out of way for rest of crew while staying close to CO. Secondary bridge had Communication console repurposed for controlling carrier operations.

Every hangar has a dedicated control room to prevent accidents on take-off and landings and provide assistance to pilots, they are manned by NCO. When alert happens those NCOs are responsible for queuing crafts to leave the ship in an orderly fashion as fast as possible. On-deck officers are responsible for assisting during landing, rearming, refueling and assisting pilots with maintenance. Each flight deck is equipped with fire suppression equipment and can be quickly depressurized. In event of accident crew can quickly fill out from bay using numerous access points. Flight decks are surrounded by containment fields in case of an unexploded ordnance incident. Alert crafts are stored on Flight deck and can be replaced or reinforced with ones in storage area using elevators. Each Flightdeck contains set of blast doors behind Forcefield emitters, used to pressurize area even if Forcefield holding atmosphere gets breached.

When ship enters alert status current Alert fighters are launched as well as any additional crafts deemed necessary such as bombers. After leaving flight deck they are handed over from flight control to Fighter Wing Tactical officer.

Shuttles are handled by ATSC on approach then they are handed over to specific Flight Deck control, where assisted by deck crew they are guided to empty landing spot then if needed after crew disembarks lowered to parking space.

Before planed lift offs every craft is inspected by a member of the Black Team, who makes sure everything is ready. This is not done during alerts or if there is a priority take off. It takes time but ensures everything to be ready for possible combat.

Special Force Section

Atlas class starships are designed to support operations of Marine Corp, Force Recon teams and Temporal Operatives when needed. To allow that a secured section of ship was selected to host facilities for those units. That section consist of independent bunks, storage, Long Range com room and two briefing rooms. Due to often secret nature of assignments performed by those units additional security measures are taken when they are embarking and aboard. Independent facilities are meant to provide ability to confer and brief forces on anything that should not leave controlled environment and to that effect they have built in short range jammers and can be sealed from inside limiting access further.


Special Forces Embarkment

  • Security Sweep for any listening or recording devices
  • Section lock to Special Forces that are embarking and Level 3 personnel
  • Engaging power to briefing rooms, communication, and other special force dedicated equipment

When Special Forces are aboard

  • All hatches are closed and locked to level 3 personnel and designated security officers
  • All access to secure section is logged by main computer

Special Force Disembarkment

  • All logs and data from dedicated equipment is purged
  • Security sweep accompanied by Commissioned officer sweeps deck for listening and recording devices as well as anything left behind by Special Force
  • Power down of Special Force dedicated equipment
  • Removing Level 3 lock from section

Emergency Measures

In case of emergency section may be unsealed and allow unauthorized personnel entry, in example in case of security breach Security Head may request to unlock section and order security sweep, any such action need to be later logged along reason. This requires either Ships Commanding Officer, Executive Officer or two Level 3 Personnel permission.

In any case of emergency Special Force personnel should allow vessel crew to perform their duties and if they have any objections raise them to either Commanding Officer or Executive Officer of vessel.

Main & Secondary Bridge