Mamiya Itou

From Solas Tempus DB
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Mamiya Itou
Mamiya Itou
Played by: Cyberstar
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 276.7 lbs
Gender: Transgendered Male to Female
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 85
Date of Birth: 01/20/9960
Place of Birth: Balakaan Arcology 14 (Arc 14)
Eye Color: Olive Green
Hair Color: Silver-Grey
Figure: Slightly muscular /w hourglass figure. Messy silver-grey hair reaches down to her thighs typically in a ponytail.
Mamiya's limbs, parts of her torso and her face sport swirling olive green tattoos resembling abstracted coiling tentacles. Her preferred attire includes a brown trench coat, white button-up shirt and dress pants. She looks like she's in her late 20's.
Universe of Origin: Unique
Occupation: Investigator / Mercenary
Rank / Skill Level: Veteran
Status: Approved
Setting: Angelic Sins

Mamiya is a friendly individual, and tries to be helpful towards others when possible. She enjoys being around people and discussing her interests with others. She is stubborn and hot-headed at times, and occasionally rushes headlong into danger without thinking. She enjoys competitions and contests immensely, especially contests of strength and skill. She has an acute fear of deep oceans.

Special Abilities

  • Does not need to sleep, instead entering a four-hour long meditative trance during which she performs mental exercises. She also cannot be magically put to sleep.
  • Elven physiology gives her extremely adept darkvision. She can see in dark light as if it were dim light, and dim light as if it were normal light. She cannot discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
  • Magical ability, but hasn't trained extensively in it. She can conjure a 15-by-15-foot magical barrier, cast explosive magical bolts, teleport to anywhere within line of sight twice per day (Max distance 300 ft) and can magically relieve all muscular fatigue in a person once per day.
  • As the (technical) high priestess of a dark god, Mamiya can detect the presence of beings not native to the mortal plane.

Special Skills

Mamiya is adept at firearm with handguns. She is also decent at hand-to-hand combat and can use melee weaponry with a great degree of finesse and accuracy. She has average skill in motorcycle riding.

Special Equipment

  • Enchanted antique revolver, that blesses it's bullets so that they may home in on specific areas of the target's body or cause damage to non-corporeal entities such as ghosts.
  • Modified motorcycle from her era /w a built in AI that can guide the motorcycle back to Mamiya if it gets lost, and a short-range EMP blaster capable of disabling electronics.


Mamiya was born Goro Itou, a male mercenary under the employ of the Balakaan government. During a raid on a cult compound, Goro confronted the cult's leader, who was attempting to transfer the powers of the cult's high priestess into a new host. Having used up all of his ammunition, Goro was forced to push the cult's intended victim out of the summoning circle. A combination of damaging the summoning circle and the government-issue magic wards provided to Goro broke the spell, resulting in Goro being given the body and powers of the high priestess, and the cultists becoming atomized. After adapting to her circumstances, Ms. Itou took the name "Mamiya" after a distant ancestor of hers.