Eito Uchiha

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 22:31, 26 September 2018 by Red (talk | contribs) (→‎Background)
Eito “The Fallen” Uchiha
Played by: Red the 15th #2304 on discord
Height: 5'11 ft
Weight: 195 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Shinobi
Age: 26
Place of Birth: Konohagakure
Eye Color: both eyes are black but the corneas can turn red with black marks when sharingan is active
Hair Color: Black
Figure: average and fairly fit
Universe of Origin: Naruto
Occupation: Ex-Konoha Jounin/One of Kaitos Six paths of pain (Deva)/ Missing Nin
Rank / Skill Level: S-rank ninja

Friendly, calm, goofy, funny, and relaxing

Special Skills

  • heighten speed
  • heighten hearing
  • heighten sight
  • heighten strength
  • movement tracking
  • able to see in the dark

Special Abilities

  • Flying raijin Jutsu (most are done with kunai)
    • Flying Thunder God Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique
    • Flying Thunder God Slash
    • Flying Thunder God — Second Step
    • Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder
  • summoning jutsu
    • Snakes
  • Time space jutsu (only usable with kunai and sharingan)
  • Shadow clone jutsu
  • Multiple Shadow Clone Technique
  • Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique
  • Banshō Ten'in
  • Chibaku Tensei
  • Shinra Tensei
  • Tengai Shinsei
  • rasengan
  • kamui
  • Kamui lightning blade
  • kamui shuriken
  • Susanoo
  • Amaterasu: Flame Wrapping Fire
  • Blaze Release: Susanoo Kagutsuchi
  • Kamui Shuriken
  • Hurricane Thunderclap — Majestic Attire Sword
  • Susanoo: Captive Slash
  • Susanoo: Chidori
  • Susanoo: Crush
  • Susanoo: Fist
  • Susanoo: Great Fireball Technique
  • Susanoo: Tsukumo
  • Sage mode
  • Uchiha return
  • Uchiha reflection
  • Cursed Seal of Heaven
  • Regeneration Ability
  • Coercion Sharingan
  • Genjutsu: Sharingan
  • Body Flicker Technique
  • Chakra Blade: Straight Line
  • Hero of the Sharingan
  • Sage Art: Storm Release Light Fang
  • Eight gates
    • Gate of Opening
    • Gate of Healing
    • Gate of Life
    • Gate of Pain
    • Gate of Limit
    • Gate of View
    • Gate of Wonder
    • Gate of Death
  • Cursed Seal of Heaven
  • dead demon seals
    • Dead Demon Consuming Seal
    • Dead Demon Consuming Seal: Release
  • lightning release
    • Chidori
    • Lightning beast tracking fang
    • Lightning Cutter
    • Lightning Cutter Combo
    • Lightning Cutter One Flash
    • Lightning Cutter Two Sequential Crashes
    • Lightning Cutter: Double Lightning Quake
    • Lightning Cutter: One Apex
    • Lightning Cutter: Swift
    • Lightning Cutter: Twin Drilling Lights
    • Chidori Current
    • Chidori Light Sword
    • Chidori Senbon
    • Chidori Sharp Spear
    • Chidori Sharp Spear: Heaven Step
    • Chidori True Spear
    • Chidori: Cry of the Thundergod
    • Chidori: Fall
    • Chidori: Star Crusher
    • Chidori: Thunder
    • Chidori: Thunderclap
  • Senju Uchiha Combo
    • A shared Sin -Kaito and Eito both rush the target with lightning cutters, slashing the enemy while simultaneously adding explosive tags to the enemy. Both shinobi then fallback and blow fireballs creating a massive explosion
    • The lightning and the Fire- a combo of both shinobis chakra natures, Kaito summons a lighting beast which Eito then engulfs in the ever burning black flames of the Amaterasu. The beast the charges the enemy and explodes into lightning and fire
    • the Heavens revealed - Both shinobi switch to cursed form, kaito then summons a large tree to capture the enemy as Eito brings the "Heavens" Down on them using chibaku tensei which creates a large meteor to hit the enemy
    • The Power of our Bonds! Fire and Wind! - kaito creates two tornadoes and directs them at the enemy while Eito summons two shadow clone, they then both shoot fire into the tornadoes
    • The power of the Uchiha!- Both shinobi activate their sharingan. They both then proceed to hurl hundreds of kunai at the enemy while one shinobi teleport behind the enemy, then both shinobi use a flying raijin slash to hit the enemy
    • The power of the fused Susanoo- The shinboi fist bump as the susanoo activates merging into one large susanoo, they then strike together
    • One shot! One kill!- Both shinobi awaken the seventh gate, their auras blazing and igniting as the rush the opponent, simultaneous hitting them with powerful strikes. after pummeling the target for a solid minute they strike with an almighty push before finishing up with two chidori sharp spears
    • Six paths: Almighty strike!- both shinobi activate the perfect form susanoo, they then fire off the powerful susanoo lightning jutsu: Indra's arrow. After the shot connects the susanoo draw their katanas and fly towards the opponent while dragging the swords through the ground creating a debris and a makeshift smoke screen before both susanoo slice up at the opponent
  • Mimic the mist!- Eito blows a majestic flame destroyer while Kaito summons 20 shadow clones, they then attack the flame with a wall of water attack causing steam to fill the area. The two shinobi then activate their sharingan and proceed to go hunting
  • Power of the Rinne Sharingan!- Eito enters the kamui dimension as kaito burst forth to attack, attacking the enemy with strong taijutsu. if the enemy can land an attack the rinne sharingan activates switching kaito with Eito who's prepared to count the enemy, the switching continues until both shinobi have their weapon summoning scrolls ready, they then activate them sending hundreds of weapons across the battlefield all for their use

Weapons and equipment

The arsenal of weapons and equipment carried by Eito

  • Grass cutter blade
  • Tanto blade
  • 15 flying Raijin kunai
  • 20 standard issue kunai
  • 10 explosive tag kunai
  • 10 explosive tags
  • demon wind shuriken
  • 2 Chakra blades
  • 10 smoke bombs
  • 15 shurikens
  • Parts of a pseudo-berserker armor


Eito was born in Konohagakura as a member of the well known Uchiha clan. Eito grew up like any other Uchiha child at the time, training with his family and trying to awaken his sharingan,the special eyes of the Uchiha clan. Eito also took part in the Chunin exams, like every other child of Konoha, During his time training for the exams he met a young boy from the Senju clan, Kaito “Red lightning” Senju the grandson of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. Eito didn't like Kaito at first due to their bloody clans past with each other, so he decided to become rivals with him but as time went on the two would put aside their clan past and become great friends. The two were even put on the same time with a young girl named Airi, who Eito and Kaito fell madly in love with, this caused a bit of issues with the boys friendship but not enough to tear them apart. As years past the team was sent on many A and S class rank missions which gained the two boys the name of the "Senju and Uchiha Duo", Eito also awoke his Sharingan during this time. However on One fateful day, Eito would witness something that would change his views of the village forever. After a mission went bad the team was forced to call Konoha's ANBU forces as well as Konohas high ranking Jounin force, Eito thought nothing of it at first, just simple backup for the team, but then he saw what the ANBU and Jounin were capable of, they slaughter the enemies with brutal force and showed absolutely zero mercy against them. After seeing this Eito knew he could no longer stay within Konoha so he left the village without warning and vowed he would return to destroy it. Eito trained for a fives years after he left the village, he also assembled a team of shinobi with same views as him. He then decided it was time and took his chance to attack the village. It went successful for a short time until something unexpected happens...the arrival of his old teammates,Kaito and Airi. They confronted Eito and tried to talk him down but he would not listen,consumed by the hate he felt for the village Eito rushed in and tried to kill Kaito but was stopped by Airi who took the blow for Kaito which caused her death. Eito was shocked when she did that causing him to lose focus which gave Kaito the chance to attack with one quick strike from his lightning cutter,Kaito fatally wounded Eito but that did not immediately kill Eito, the two fought for another ten hours before Eito finally succumbed to his wounds. Before Eito died, He Apologized for all the wrong he caused Kaito and the village and wanted a way to atone for his sins, So he gave Kaito his sharingan, granting him the power of the Uchiha clan. He then told Kaito ”Consider this an apology gift for all I've done wrong” and with that Kaito ended his life but this would not be the end of Eito's life. Years after his death Eito was brought back by kaito after he awakened his rinne sharingan, Eito at first was bother that he was taken from the beauty of the purelands but then he realized If Kaito brought him back to be his main six path that obviously meant he needed him and missed him.so Eito accepted his new found life as the second hand man of the legendary Kaito Senju.

On september twenty fifth of the year 2018, Eito engaged in a 20 hour long fight with Makoto "The Loyal" Senju, which resulted in his death. Nicole Pinteous, Friend to him and kaito, had managed to bring him back as a Shadow Knight. From that point on, he was to work as a shadow knight, as well as maintain his social life.