Legio Daemoniorum

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 02:22, 14 August 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub Notice}} [[File:{{#setmainimage:legio-daemoniorum.png}}|thumb]] The creatures, simply called the Daemoni for short, are from somewhere in the realm between planes. Th...")
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The creatures, simply called the Daemoni for short, are from somewhere in the realm between planes. They exist naturally in a state of nothingness, the space between realms devoid of all natural sources of energy and light. As such they crave it but cannot die without it. They exist but do not exist at the same time and when the veil between realms gets thin they may notice and tear through the barriers between planes seek out energy to feed from.

They run on hatred and anger, all living and nonliving things that exist in any sort of light or power (even other demonic entities not from their unique realm) are an affront to them. They ally with no one but themselves. They are constantly hungry for more, more energy, more light, more power, more light. When they come they come in force, as many as can come through to a particular place at once.