
From Solas Tempus DB
Kokabiel Bene Ha'elohim
Played by: darktrooper501#8924
Alias: Ko
Height: 6'
Weight: 140 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Fallen Angel
Age: 165
Place of Birth: Outer Space
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Figure: thin with an eye tattoo on his forehead.
Universe of Origin: OC
Occupation: former archangel
Rank / Skill Level: Experienced

Infinitely curious and a bit of a womanizer, when presented with an intriguing situation or puzzle he must find the solution at any cost.

Special Skills

  • Polyglot-2A, Able to speak Most eurasian languages both extant and extinct as well as several languages known only to celestial and infernal beings.
  • Occult history-1A

Special Abilities

  • Illusions-2A able to create realistic illusions and even camoflauge a person or item
  • Dream Weaver-1A able to affect the dreams of mortals in order to communicate with them or in some cases torment them.
  • Trace Pattern-2B able to trace the causes of an event with great accuracy.
  • Twist Time-3B able to alter the flow of time around himself for one hour of personal perceived time. Cannot use any magic for one week afterwards.
  • Curse-3C able to curse individuals, a curse essentially boils down to an active drain of either health or magical energy for the one affected.
  • Elemental Magic-3D able to use magic to create and manipulate different elements
  • Magical Paths-2A able to find magical passages within the world that make travel faster.
  • Celestial Durability-4 Very resistant to damage from the mortal world, does not age
  • Infernal Vulnerability-1 Very vulnerable to holy magic, sanctified objects and magical seals


Formerly an archangel of God Kokabiel was one of the first angels to begin questioning his own existence and God’s plan. He was encouraged by lucifer into his philosophical pursuits. As such he didn’t participate in the rebellion against heaven but was still sent to hell for the sin of doubting God. Even in hell he would not be contained and was the first fallen angel to escape by shedding most of his former powers and even his wings. He roamed the earth looking for forbidden knowledge and interacting with humans. It was that very pursuit that drew the attention of the angels to him and he was captured by them. Instead of taking him back to heaven he was sealed within a stone tablet and placed within a chamber hidden in the wilderness of the Ardennes forest. However the process was not perfect and a small portion of his essence slipped out to entice mortals into finding him with the promises of great knowledge.