Jana Senju

From Solas Tempus DB
Jana Senju
Jaecar König
Played by: darktrooper501#8924
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 183 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Darkling Changeling (formerly human)
Age: 44
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Universe of Origin: Chronicles of Darkness
Organization: N/A
Rank / Skill Level: Novice

An aloof loner that is not very good at social interactions. Despite this he wants to socialize and experience the world that he was cut off from for such a long time. He prefers to spend time in dark places.

Special Abilities

  • Shadow Blast - Runes on his torso allow him to fire blasts of dark magical energy at will
  • Shadow Shield - He creates a magical field of protection against attacks.
  • Shadow Control - Can use shadows to create illusions


König was born in Wolfsburg Germany. He had a fairly normal childhood. He was a very curious child that loved exploring nature. During a camping trip when he was 14 he encountered a large hedge within the forest. He entered the hedge and ended up in Arcadia where Fae by the name of Clancy took him as his servant. Unfortunately Clancy was forgetful and he ended up placing König in a dungeon room and forgot about him for 30 years. One day he noticed the door opened by itself. He took the opportunity and left not just the room but also Arcadia. He Wandered in the hedge again before exiting into the universe of Angelic Sins.