Void Space

From Solas Tempus DB

Existing within an extra-dimensional pocket of space-time it is a roughly spheroid region with a mean diameter of approximately 10 lightyears. The region was formed by unknown means, though there are some theories that it was originally artificial in nature. The area touches normal space in various locations at various times, at one of these points in space-time a ship can pass through the dimensional barrier and enter the pocket, such areas of transition last for anywhere between a few minutes to several weeks before the zone breaks away from normal space again.


An uncontrolled transition (i.e. accidental) to the zone is extremely dangerous and is likely to cause irreparable damage to the ship and her crew. Reports of the interior has evidence of a huge number of ships and even small stations present and heavily damaged with no signs of life. Transition occurs when the dimensional barrier can be warped sufficiently to create a wormhole-like opening by bending the barrier back onto itself.


There is a single star in the zone and a small system of 3 planets around that star with a large number of asteroids in a belt between the 1st and 2nd planets.


The central star in void space. It is a main sequence star of type G1V being slightly larger than the sun. The suns gravity is about 150% of normal for unknown reasons which impacts the gravitational forces in the entire zone.


The planet closest to the sun, it is a Class B planet with no atmosphere and about half the size of Earth. There is no atmosphere or life on this world, it is a barren and rocky place baked by the system's star.

Asteroid Belt

The asteroid belt is primarily nickel, iron, silicon, and magnesium ores and the composition would suggest that multiple planets could have at one point existed and been subject to some kind of planetary collision which broke them up and formed the vast asteroid belt which spans a mean width of 0.5 AU's in diameter.


The second planet in the system, Class M. The planet is about the same size as Earth with a similar climate and orbital period. The planet has a very large population of animals and plant life but no humanoid or other sentient life forms. The ecosystem is self sustaining and maintains a state of homeostasis.

This planet contains a few artificial structures of unknown origin. Any attempts to discover the age of the structure fail, it appears to be older than recorded time. This is the primary reason for theories that the zone is artificially created. There are symbols similar to ancient gaelic dialects within the structure as well as some proto-mediterranian and proto-european symbols. The first structure is called Firmamentum Saeculorum while the second structure on the world, several miles away from the first, is the Verum Transitus.


The final planet in the system is Class P existing just on the edge of the habitable zone of the system. The surface is extremely cold and heavily covered in permafrost glaciers. The only life on the planet is deep under the glacial ice, there is a high percentage of sea life exhibited bioluminescence. The planet has ruins throughout the permafrost which suggests that it was once capable of supporting some form of life, this is as yet unconfirmed. However, a large artificial structure on the planet is still standing in totality, known only as the Arcane Sanctuary.

Starships Graveyard

Just dubbed the graveyard is an extremely large area within the zone with contains an incredibly dense region of space craft and small space stations which have transitioned into the zone but become trapped, either because the crew or ship was killed / damaged. There are thousands of ships of various designs and origins within this region.