Misako Angelos

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 23:33, 24 June 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Misako Angelos
Played by: darktrooper501#8924
Height: 20"
Weight: 7 pounds
Gender: Female
Race: Daemon-Fae
Age: 0
Place of Birth: Nimbus Station
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: newborn
Universe of Origin: Blazing Umbra
Occupation: none

Shy and timid Misako is however prone to using colorful language even in inappropriate situations. As a childling nocker she takes apart everything she comes across.

Special Abilities

  • As a nocker she can learn how to construct and repair any machine at a far faster rate than an average person. Additionally when she yells she can scare any machine into working via changeling magic (otherwise she would have to know how to physically repair the machine), however the machine will only work while she is within 10 feet.
  • Bolt of Change: She can hurl a bolt of roiling energy, formed of raw immaterium, which causes rapid mutation, melting flesh and vaporizing metal.

The Art of Wayfare deals with a changeling's ability to move through space. This involves bouncing and covering far distances, speeding forward on feet that move impossibly fast, and even teleporting from one place to another.

  • Hopscotch - Produce an impossible leap, either up or down, and suffer no damage from the resulting collision.