Paul Jones

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Paul Jones
Played by: Cyber#2063
Height: 182m
Weight: 25kg
Gender: Male
Race: Kresnik
Age: 38
Place of Birth: New Glarus, Wisconsin
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: White
Figure: Paul is a well-built individual, with a caucasian skin tone. He has black hair that he ties in a ponytail and eerie purple eyes. It’s not just his pupils that are purple, but slightly purple-tinged sclera. He wears a custom white cape with an armoured-bat-with-a-sword-behind-it emblazoned upon his back. He typically wears casual clothing underneath this coat and a pair of pearl earrings formerly belonging to his wife. He wears his pistols in holsters on his side, and the head of Sol Noctis on his back.
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Occupation: Terrorist/Vampire Hunter
Approved By: User:JumpingScript#4310

Special Abilities

Magic Proficiency:

Paul’s Kresnik physiology gives him the innate ability to use magic. He can cast some basic defensive ash, ice, fire and lightning spells, but he is not sufficiently trained to use complex magic

Superstrength: Paul can lift up to 4000 pounds with his bear hands.

Animal Transformation: Paul can transform into a white or multicolored boar, bull, dog, or horse.

Agelessness: Paul is essentially locked in his current age, forever. Until he dies that is.

Astral Projection While in a state of meditation, Paul can project his spiritual being into any location within 100 meters. He can see from any location and at any angle while he is doing this. This ability also allows him to enter the Dream Realm non-physically

Stagnated Power Development: While Paul is very powerful, he cannot gain any more power than he currently has.

Levitation: Paul can levitate for no longer than 37 minutes at a time, at a top speed of 50 mph.

Weaknesses: Paul can only use the full extent of his powers when in the presence of a vampire or when he is in one of his animal forms. He is also weak to dark magic, which hurts him greatly


The man known as Paul Jones’s life was uneventful up until the age of 24, when he discovered his fiance was cheating on him with another man. Upon confronting her about this, she left him for the man, prompting Paul to do some research into his background. Paul discovered that the man may had been alive and in his current age for much longer than what is humanly possible. The man confronted Paul, and revealed that both he and Paul’s Fiance were vampires. The man then assaulted Paul and broke his back, but Paul was able to douse the man in gasoline and immolate him. Paul was later committed to a Psychiatric hospital, partly due to authorities not believing his claim that he had been attacked by a vampire, and partly due to an attempted cover-up of the vampire attack. These events fostered a deep hatred for vampires in Paul. Paul was later offered the chance to regain the use of his legs and get revenge on vampire-kind by the mysterious organisation known as PHAEDRA. They knew that his hatred for vampires would make him a prime candidate for their experimental “Project Helsing” anti-vampire weapons. They later infected him with a virus derived from the DNA of natural-born vampire hunters of old known as “Kresnik”, dubbed the KRS-Virus, which transformed Paul into a Kresnik.


Sol Noctis: A weapon once wielded by an esoteric sect of vampire hunters, which has been upgraded with modern technology. The weapon consists of a longsword and a large metal hammer head engraved with runes. The sword inserts into a scabbard-like section of the hammer head, forming the shaft and handle of the hammer. The Sword and hammer can both be electrified at the will of the wielder.

Prayer and Curse: A pair of enchanted machine pistols manufactured by PHAEDRA. They are inscribed with magic runes that imbue any bullet fired by them with a powerful sunlight spell. These bullets make quick work of vampire flesh.