Caduceus Caltrop

From Solas Tempus DB
Caduceus Caltrop
Caduceus Caltrop
Played by: Cybersans#2063 on Discord
Alias: Cade
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 30 (Biologically)
90 (Chronologically)
Place of Birth: Post-Apocalyptic Europe, around the year 2132
Eye Color: Dark Green
Skin Color: Very Pale
Figure: Several prominent scars
Right arm has robotic syringe past the elbow
Universe of Origin: Unique (AU Earth)
Occupation: Chemist
Amateur Hairstylist
Rank / Skill Level: Extremely Proficient Doctor

Cade is a pale Causican male with dark grey hair and a pale complexion. His eyes are a deep, almost hypnotic green and he has several prominent scars. He typically wears a frayed, dark blue lab coat over a grey turtleneck and a pair of black tracksuit pants with a grey stripe down the right side. His right arm is a robotic syringe, connected to his shoulder with complex microsurgery. The needle arm has a clear canister connected to the elbow, and a variety of unique connections and fixtures on the main arm component. He has a variety of vials tied to his belt and on special holders on his lab coat, which are interesting chemicals he just decided looked good on him.


Curious and outspoken to a fault, he does what he wants, when he wants and sees no problem with the concept of harming people for his own curiosity.


Cade has been a doctor his whole life, but has only recently dabbled in the arts of playing god. He has made several dangerous bioweapons, as well as created entire species just because he wondered what would happen if he did. He pretty much embodies scientific indifference.


  • Medical Training
  • Ukulele Proficiency


Any individual born in his universe possesses a single “Supernatural” ability. His is the ability to create Hypodermic needles out of thin air and control them. He can use this to form solid structures or to bombard people with needles. These structures are primarily glass, so they aren’t strong. He can also control the metal needle component of his syringe arm in several ways, such as forming it into a wireframe hand, or coiling it up into a spring and firing it as a powerful impaling weapon.