Tenpyo Senju

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Revision as of 07:43, 14 January 2024 by Necahual (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Character Box |image= Tenpyo.jpg |player= Necahual |name= Tenpyo |fullname= Tenpyo Senju |altname= Pansa Senju |race= AI |type= Digitized Abhuman |alignment=Lawful Neutral |gender= Female |height= 6’6” |weight= 212 lbs |haircolor= Dark Grey |eyecolor= Yellow |age= 394 |dob=1995 |birthplace=Clandestine Lab |universe=Blazing Umbra |occ= Cook and server for Ramen shop |org=None |figure= Feminine but muscular with cat ears and a cat tail. |setting=Blazing Umbra }} Te...")
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Tenpyo Senju
Played by: User:Necahual
Alias: Pansa Senju
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 212 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: AI
Type: Digitized Abhuman
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 394
Date of Birth: 1995
Place of Birth: Clandestine Lab
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Dark Grey
Figure: Feminine but muscular with cat ears and a cat tail.
Universe of Origin: Blazing Umbra
Organization: None
Occupation: Cook and server for Ramen shop
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Tenpyo is unwavering in her commitment to those she deems worthy of trust. The remnants of her genetic alterations contribute a heightened sense of adaptability, making Tenpyo a quick thinker and a versatile problem-solver. However, the digitization process has also left her grappling with heavy emotions. The fear of death and sorrow at the loss of her brother. This internal conflict lends Tenpyo a unique blend of stoicism and resilience. She tries to put on a happy face in front of the world as a form of tribute to her twin brother.

Special Abilities

The android's nanites reconfigure muscle fibers on a molecular level, increasing their density and resulting in strength beyond human capability.

  • Enhanced Speed/Agility

Thanks to the android's advanced bio-mechanical structure and adjustable muscle fiber tension, it can achieve extraordinary speed and agility for evasion, rapid assaults, or quick transportation.

  • Sensory Augmentation

The android can adjust its sensory inputs to perceive different spectrums of light (like infrared or ultraviolet), hear a wider range of frequencies, or possess heightened touch, taste, and smell.

  • Direct Interface with Technology

Equipped with a built-in interface, the android can seamlessly interact with electronic devices and networks for hacking, information gathering, or manipulating technology.

  • Efficient Metabolism

The android's nanites optimize the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from consumed food or other energy sources, minimizing waste and maximizing energy output, thus requiring less sustenance.

  • Toxin Neutralization

Nanites in the android's bloodstream act like a super-efficient liver, quickly identifying and neutralizing harmful substances, including drugs, poisons, and diseases.

  • Advanced Healing

The android's nanites facilitate rapid tissue repair, enabling faster healing of injuries and making the android incredibly resilient.

  • Regenerative Sleep

When the android enters a low-power state akin to sleep, its nanites perform system-wide maintenance tasks, ensuring the android is always in optimal condition.

  • Advanced Energy Conversion

The android has the ability to metabolize various types of food and convert them directly into energy for its nanite and xenobot systems. The efficiency of this process is significantly higher than in humans, allowing the android to extract more usable energy from the same amount of food. This could also allow the android to derive energy from non-traditional food sources that would not typically provide sustenance to a human.

  • Radiation Resistance

The nanites repair damage caused by radiation nearly as fast as it occurs, making the android highly resistant to radiation exposure and suitable for operating in environments lethal to humans.

  • Low Oxygen Tolerance

The nanites enable efficient oxygen use and can temporarily switch to anaerobic energy production systems in low-oxygen environments, allowing operation at high altitudes or in space.

  • Bio-Electric Discharge

The android can generate and control electricity for defensive measures or to power or interact with machinery in various combat or non-combat situations.

  • Antigravity Flight

The Mark 2 is equipped with an advanced antigravity flight system, allowing it to maneuver and navigate through the air effortlessly. This capability leverages sophisticated propulsion mechanisms and stabilizing algorithms, enabling the android to achieve controlled flight and hover in various environments. By defying the constraints of gravity, the Mark 2 can access elevated or inaccessible locations with ease, broadening its range of operation and expanding its potential applications.

  • Bio-Neural Computer Interface

The Mark 2 Nanobionic Android Body features a cutting-edge bio-neural computer interface, enabling seamless integration with external computer systems. This interface grows from one of the extremities, typically a finger or hand, but can be customized to emerge from other suitable locations. The interface establishes a direct connection between the android's neural network and the targeted computer system, facilitating efficient data transfer and real-time communication. This biologically grown interface serves as a bridge between the android and the digital world, enhancing information processing, computational abilities, and enabling the execution of complex tasks that require close collaboration with advanced computing systems.

Special Skills

  • Tracking
  • Melee weapons training
  • Advanced CQC
  • Firearm training
  • Subterfuge
  • Social Engineering
  • Surveillance


Born in a Heosphoros Lab in the west coast. Pansa is the result of an experiment in modifying people to make them more suited to space. Pansa was a part of one of two programs that aimed to achieve the same goal via different paths. Pansa was in the sister program that focused on genetic alteration and manipulation to achieve the goal. She is technically Tora’s sister as she was made from the same human genetic material despite the fact that they both look different. Unlike Tora, Pansa was trained to become a ‘cleaner’ for the organization. This was a tactical move to demonstrate the superiority of her over Tora. Since she was not tied down to a single scientist she was free to learn a wider set of skills and her abilities allowed to progress to their maximum potential. This also meant that the two were never able to interact with each other beyond their short childhood. Decades later the two would happen across Kaito who first rescued Tora from death and later rescued Pansa. Under his care the two siblings were able to reconcile their differences and grew close to each other. Making up for lost time they soon became inseparable. Though Kaito still used their training and expertise to his advantage in his own sphere of influence. For Pansa this was an acceptable trade off for being provided a place to live and grow. Eventually seeing the siblings as family Kaito formally adopted them and even used his considerable abilities to extend their lives beyond what could have been a natural lifespan. This eventually would come to a head in the year 2389 when Kaito and many others in his family mysteriously disappeared. Not long after that event the siblings decided to open a ramen stall in Nimbus Station in order to commemorate both Kaito and Eito, who taught them how to cook. A few weeks into running the stall the pair started having health problems. Soon the health problems progressed quickly and they were hospitalized. Scans showed accelerated aging and the prognosis was grim, while Tora was at peace with his passing Pansa was not. Given she was deteriorating quickly the only way to save her was to be subject to the Quantum Synaptic Transducer Array to transfer her consciousness to an AI matrix. Despite some initial difficulties that led to assistance from Reuben Reid, the transfer of her consciousness to an AI matrix was successful. Within her new existence but now feeling empty from the loss of her twin brother Pansa turned to dabbling with chatbots to ease her loneliness. She would take saved data from Tora’s exocortex to build a simulacra of how Tora would act and react to certain situations. The more data she accumulated and integrated with the bot the more she missed her twin brother. The simulacra would never be the same as the real thing but quickly the data and sophistication of the simulacra could lead it to becoming an independent sapient AI of its own. She couldn’t stand the thought of something made from her brother’s data rejecting her so after some consideration she decided to include the generative code of the bot and the general data from Tora’s implants into herself. At the end of the process she felt like she was no longer her old self but most definitely she was not Tora so she decided to find herself a new name. She would settle upon Tenpyo, renaming herself and becoming someone that isn’t completely Pansa but isn't truly Tora but a mix of Pansa’s memories and Tora’s personality.