Obsidian Shadow Academy

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Faculty and Staff


Student Life and Demographics





At the Obsidian Shadow Academy, our comprehensive curriculum is designed to provide new vampires with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricate web of the supernatural world while concealing their true nature from humanity. Divided into three vital sections—Basics, Defense and Security, and Ethics—our education program equips students with the essential tools for survival. The Basics section delves into the intricacies of vampire physiology, history, and the art of blending seamlessly into human society. Defense and Security imparts crucial skills for self-preservation, alliance-building, and crisis management in a world filled with dangers. Ethics, on the other hand, instills moral responsibility, emphasizing the importance of feeding responsibly and maintaining the code of secrecy.

Furthermore, we understand that not all of our students have completed their education in mundane schools, so we offer conventional coursework for those who need to fill in educational gaps. This ensures that our students are well-rounded individuals, capable of thriving both in the shadows and in the daylight world. By providing a well-rounded education that balances the supernatural with the mundane, Obsidian Shadow Academy prepares young vampires to face the challenges of immortality with wisdom, grace, and discretion.

Core Subjects

Human World Integration
Creating and maintaining human-like identities, complete with documents, employment, and social interactions.
Cultural Etiquette
Learning the customs and etiquette within vampire society, including the significance of traditions, rituals, and ceremonies.
Understanding the unique physiology of vampires.
History of the Supernatural
Learning about the history and evolution of vampire culture.
Sociology and Anthropology
Studying human behavior and customs for blending in.
Vampiric Physiology
Understanding the fundamentals of vampire anatomy, abilities, and weaknesses.
Sunlight Survival
Techniques to protect oneself from sunlight exposure.
Vampire History
Studying the history of their kind, including famous vampire figures and the evolution of vampire society.

Defense and Security

Martial Arts or Self-Defense
Learning physical combat skills.
Crisis Management
Preparing for and responding to emergencies.
International Relations
Understanding diplomacy and alliances.
Hunting Techniques
Training in tracking, stalking, and ambushing prey efficiently without drawing attention.
Defensive Techniques
Self-defense against vampire hunters, anti-supernatural organizations, or other threats to the vampire community.
Emergency Protocols
Preparing for emergency situations, such as attacks, breaches of secrecy, or confrontations with powerful adversaries.
Alliance Building
Developing diplomatic skills for forming alliances with other supernatural beings and navigating the complex web of supernatural politics.
Blood Magic
For those vampires with magical abilities, mastering blood magic for protection and concealment.


Ethics and Morality
Discussing the ethical dilemmas of vampire existence.
Legal Studies
Understanding laws and regulations related to supernatural beings.
Exploring the psychological challenges of being a vampire.
Blood Feeding Ethics
Understanding the moral and ethical implications of feeding on blood, including when and how to feed responsibly to avoid harm to humans.
Vampire Laws and Regulations
Familiarity with the laws governing vampires in popular culture and classical literature, as well as any specific rules in your game world.
Control Over Fangs
Learning how to retract and extend fangs at will to prevent accidental exposure in human society.
Sire-Descendant Relations
Exploring the dynamics between vampire sires and their descendants, including responsibilities, loyalties, and the creation of new vampires.
Code of Secrecy
Emphasizing the importance of keeping their true nature hidden from humans and the consequences of exposure.

Science and the Occult

Geometry of the Supernatural
Delving into the mathematical aspects of supernatural phenomena, including calculations related to vampire abilities, such as speed, strength, and regeneration.
Biology of the Undead
Examining the scientific and supernatural aspects of vampiric biology, including the interaction of the undead physiology with human biology.
Exploring the intersection of physics and mystical phenomena, discussing theories of how supernatural abilities relate to conventional physics.
Parapsychology and Psychic Powers
Studying the paranormal, including telepathy, telekinesis, and other psychic abilities, to understand the broader supernatural world.
Folklore and Mythology
Analyzing folklore from different cultures to gain insights into the beliefs, legends, and practices related to vampires and the occult.
Advanced Mathematics
Applying mathematical concepts to supernatural phenomena.

Traditions and Culture


Security and Secrecy Measures


Relations with the Supernatural Community


Challenges and Controversies



In the late 19th century, amidst the turbulent political landscape of Chicago, the Obsidian Shadow Academy was founded by Celeste Booker. This institution was not just a center of learning but a symbol of ascendance for the vampire community, a direct response to the exploitation and manipulation they faced in a human-dominated society.

Celeste Booker, a figure of unknown origin and mystical prowess, descended from a lineage deeply rooted in the supernatural. Her life, steeped in the occult and guided by mentors versed in ancient wisdom, was forever altered by the discovery of a powerful family relic, which thrust her into the heart of the mystical realm. As she navigated this world, she witnessed the plight of her kin, especially in Chicago, where vampires, bereft of traditional guidance and structure, were reduced to mere pawns in the city's rampant political games.

The Obsidian Shadow Academy was Booker's answer to this crisis. Rather than seeking to dismantle the corruption infesting Chicago, she envisioned a future where vampires, particularly those like herself, would not just survive but thrive at the apex of the political food chain. The Academy was to be a crucible for forging a new generation of vampires, not as subjects to human whims, but as shrewd, self-reliant entities, capable of wielding influence and power within and beyond the supernatural community.

The curriculum of the Academy reflected this vision, imbued with a pragmatic understanding of the political and social intricacies of human society, alongside deep knowledge of vampire history and powers. It trained students in the art of manipulation, self-defense, and alliance-building, equipping them with the skills needed to navigate and eventually dominate the complex web of Chicago's political and supernatural landscapes.

Celeste Booker, as the Head Mistress, was more than an educator; she was a symbol of the potential that her students could achieve. Her background, a confluence of dark heritage and occult knowledge, served as a constant reminder of the power that lay within the grasp of those who were willing to seize it. Under her guidance, the Academy became a bastion of empowerment for vampires, a place where they could transform from being exploited outcasts to influential players in the game of power.